Smart Photography Picture of the Month Contest June 2017 : smartphotography.in

Organisation : Smart Photography
Contest Name : Picture of the Month Contest June 2017
Website : http://smartphotography.in/june-2017-picture-of-the-month/

Picture of the Month Contest :

We are sure that all of you have a few pictures that you think are prize worthy. It happens very often that you don’t know where to send the image that could put a feather in your cap.

Related : Amul Ice Cream Selfie Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/23274.html

If you have such images (we’re sure you have many!), send us ONE such horizontal image. If it qualifies, we shall publish it as a double-spread.

A Note To Our Readers :
1. The picture has to be horizontal.
2. Kindly ensure that the longer side should measure atleast 17 inches, at 300ppi.
3. Low resolution images will not be accepted.
4. We do not check images on online galleries.
5. Kindly ensure complete contact/address details are provided.
6. Please make sure that your picture does not have your name/logo on it.

Picture Of The Month :
a. You have to guarantee that the picture was shot by you
b. If there are people in the picture who can be identified, we’ll need a model release
c. The picture should not have been printed elsewhere (magazine newspaper, or offered to any publication)
d. Mark the entry as “Picture of the Month” and rename the file using your name
e. You may send images via print/e-mail to: Next Gen Publishing Ltd.,2nd Floor, C Wing, Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai 400013 (or) sphoto. india@gmail.com

Share your best travel images with us!
And win exciting prizes…
Can’t wait to print your travel photos on this canvas!
Email your Photo to: smarttravel.shot [AT] gmail.com

** Send us maximum 4 images, Horizontal pictures with 300dpi. High Image Resolution.
** Please ensure that you send your Complete postal address with telephone number.
** Picture should not have been printed in any magazine / newspaper, or offered to any publication and, if applicable, scanned copy of model release (in case of identifiable portraits) along with the entry.

** Please ensure that you have renamed the clicked image with Full name and the Destination name.This is to ensure that your correct name appears in the magazine along with the image.(e.g: If your name is RAVI SHARMA, rename the entry as RAVI SHARMA_Gateway of India _Mumbai.JPG . This is to ensure that your correct name appears in the magazine along with the image.

May 2017- Picture of the Month :
1. The picture has to be horizontal.
2. Kindly ensure that the longer side should measure atleast 17 inches, at 300ppi.
3. Low resolution images will not be accepted.
4. We do not check images on online galleries.
5. Kindly ensure complete contact/address details are provided.
6. Please make sure that your picture does not have your name/logo on it.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:06 PM

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