Idea Cellular Silver Coin Contest 2015 Himachal Pradesh : ideacellular.com

Organization : Idea Cellular Limited
Competition Name : Silver Coin Contest 2015
Applicable For : Prepaid & Postpaid Subscribers of Idea in telecom circle of Himachal Pradesh
Applicable States/UT : Himachal Pradesh
Competition Last Date : 1st December 2015

Website : http://www.ideacellular.com/wps/wcm/connect/idea/promotions/t-c-hp-siver-coin-contest

Silver Coin Contest 2015:

This Contest is purely on a “best effort” basis and participation is voluntary for the eligible caller of 55315 Live Astrology @Rs9/min Service (the “Service”). World Phone India Pvt. Ltd. in association with Idea Cellular Ltd, reserves the right to participation in this Contest.

Contest Period:
This Contest is open for a limited period only from 3-Oct-2015 at 00:00 hrs to 1-Dec-2015 at 23:59:59 hrs (“Contest Period”).

Eligibility Criteria:

The Contest is open for active pre-paid & postpaid category of cellular subscribers of Idea Cellular Ltd, in telecom circle of Himachal Pradesh only (the “Subscribers”). For the sake of clarity, a “Subscriber /Participant” for the purpose of this Contest shall mean and include an individual/person, who is the rightful owner/user of the pre-paid & Postpaid mobile connection of Idea Cellular Ltd, registered in HP telecom circle and in whose name the mobile connection is active and registered as per the records maintained by Idea Cellular Ltd (and which shall be conclusive).

In case a Participant is an employee of a company and the mobile connection used by him is registered in the name of an employing company, the employee /user can participate in the Contest provided that the employing company issues a letter to this effect certifying that the particular employee/user has been allotted the specific mobile connection, and intended to be used by the employee for participating in the Contest. The employees of Idea Cellular Ltd & world phone and their group companies affiliate or associate companies; are not eligible to participate in this Contest.

This Contest is not available to the Subscribers roaming in other telecom circles of Idea Cellular Ltd and also not available to Idea Cellular Ltd roaming subscribers (of other telecom circles), roaming in the above said telecom circle, wherein Contest has been made.

Any postpaid Subscriber is eligible to participate in this Contest.

In order to be eligible for this Contest, a Subscriber/Participant must fulfill the following criteria :

** He/She should be above 18 years of age.
** He/she must be citizen of India.
** He/She must not have any criminal record nor should be of an unsound mind.
** He/She must not be restrained by any law of the land (e.g. – any court order(s) etc.).
** He must be either an active existing or new subscriber of Service during the Contest Period.
** He’s not directly or indirectly associated with Idea Cellular Ltd or world phone India
** He/she must have a firm contractual capacity and is not under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

Participation :

This Contest is purely on a “Maximum usage” and is meant for voluntary participation by the existing and new subscribers of Idea Cellular Ltd HP Circle. Moreover, this Contest is event based Contest wherein each Participant have to pay Rs9/min for each call to become eligible for the Contest and then need to generate MOUs on 55315 per day, while participating in this Contest. To participate in this Contest, a Subscriber/Participant shall have to follow the following-

Customer needs to Dial short code 55315 IVR portal, shall become eligible for participating in this Contest and have the chances to become winner of the Gratifications (as mentioned in clause 4). But he/she need to generate MOUs on 55315 IVR to take participation in contest.

Applicable Charges :

(i) Call Charges of 55315: 55315 is a Rs9/min ShortCode.
Selection of Top Performer(s)/Highest Scorer(s) Participant(s) (55315 Rs9/min) having the Highest MOUs (Minutes of Usages) shall be selected as winner.Out of all the Subscribers/Participant, who have the highest MOUs (Minutes of Usages) and first to attempt will be declared as Winner and will be eligible for the Gratification/ Prize as mentioned in clause 4.


Prize 5gm Silver coin : Total 5 Winner would be selected during contest period

Top participants who have highest MOUs (Minutes of Usages) and first to achieve in First 30 Days and Last 30 Days of contest, during contest period, shall be selected by World Phone India in accordance with clause 3.3 of the T&C

Note :

MOUs would not get counted for the Customer(s) who does not called for a particular day

Customer can be the Winner only once during the contest period. Will select Bumper Winner first. Winner’s selection would be done after completion of contest duration.

It is understood and agreed by the subscribers/Participants that a selected Winner/ Top Performer shall have to be the rightful owner of the particular mobile phone number/ connection, registered as per the records maintained by Idea Cellular Ltd (and which shall be conclusive). If the selected Top Performer/ Winner is not able to provide sufficient evidence to show that he/she is the rightful owner/user of the particular mobile connection, Idea Cellular Ltd and world phone India reserves the right to award the Gratification to the next eligible Top Performer/Winner.

By participating in the Contest, the Subscriber/Participants hereby further understand and agree that World Phone India shall at its sole discretion be responsible for inter-alia the selection of the Winners and delivery of the Gratification at the mentioned venue of the choice of Idea Cellular Ltd & World Phone India. The decision of World Phone India in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Subscriber/Participant.

The Winners shall be intimated through Idea Cellular Ltd. The Subscribers/Winners are required to be vigilant on their part in gathering information regarding the selection of Winners and/or for collection of Gratification. The date and time of selection of Winner shall be within 15-30 working days from the date of the closure of the Contest and the information shall be communicated to winners via call, after the closure of the Contest. The Subscriber/Participant hereby understands and agrees that Idea Cellular Ltd’s responsibility in the Contest is limited only to the extent of communicating the list of Winners to World Phone India .It is specifically mentioned that no information by post/courier/fax/telegram or any other mode shall be given by the World Phone India.

At the end of the Contest Period and after the declaration of the Winner/Top Performer by world Phone India/Idea Cellular Ltd, The Participant who have been declared Winner/Top Performer and who have won the Gratification as per clause 4 of the T&C, shall be entitled to claim the Gratification from Idea Cellular Ltd’s Circle Office situated at Keonthal Complex, Khalini, Shimla (HP), 171002, (the “venue”). World Phone India / Idea Cellular Ltd shall not be responsible for the travel and/or stay arrangements and/or any cost incurred by any of the Winner for the collection of their respective Gratification.

The Participants including the Winner understand and agree that acceptance of the Gratification by the Winner, constitutes grant of permission to Idea Cellular Ltd as well as World Phone India and its affiliates, to click photographs of the Winner and use the Winner names, photocopy, preferences (likes and dislikes), voice and comments for adverting and promotional purposes in any media worldwide, only for purposes of advertising and trade without any additional compensation whatsoever to the Participants. The Subscribers/Participants including the Winners, hereby understands and gives his/ her irrevocable consent for sharing /submission of his/her personal information with World Phone India.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:02 PM

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