Edu-Talent GCO 2017-18 Global Cyber Olympiad

Organisation : Edu-Talent Global Learning Pvt Ltd
Olympiad Name : GCO 2017-18 Global Cyber Olympiad
Applicable For : Student who is studying computer as their subject in the school.
Olympiad Dates : 09th Nov 2017
Registration Last Date : On or before 10 days of Olympiad
Website :
School Registration Forms :
Student Registration Sheet :

Global Cyber Olympiad :

Global Cyber Olympiad, a test of competence and proficiency in computer science, is held annually at the national level based on syllabus prescribed by CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards.

Related : Edu Talent GCO Global Cyber Olympiad 2016-17 :

Edu-Talent recommends the competition for each and every student who is studying computer as their subject in the school.

Based on State/ CBSE/ ICSE syllabus , 70% of the questions from the present class ( syllabus allotted for first 5 months / 1st Term and 30% questions from the previous class.

And the pattern of the examination will be:

Class Total Marks / Numbers Questions Time
1st to 6th 25 General IQ (5)
Subject (15)
Interactive (5)
45 mts
7th to 10th 50 General IQ (10)
Subject (30)
Interactive (10)
60 mts

Venue :
Centre will be same school where child is studying.

Last Date of Registration:
On or before 10 days of each olympiad

Awards :
1st prize Gold Medal + Gifts worth Rs 25000/ + Certificate
2nd prize Silver Medal + Gifts worth Rs 15000/ + Certificate
3rd prize Bronze Medal + Gifts worth Rs 10000/ + Certificate

AWARD AT STATE LEVEL : (Min. participation of 50 schools)
1st prize Gold Medal + Gifts worth Rs 2000/ + Certificate
2nd prize Silver Medal + Gifts worth Rs 2000/ + Certificate
3rd prize Bronze Medal + Gifts worth Rs 2000/ + Certificate Rank
4 to Rank 25 Gifts worth Rs 1000/ + Certificate

Merit Certificate :
Detailed Result Analyses ? Talent Quotient (TQ) of Science / Mathematics/Cyber / English Report for every student.
School Topper Science / Mathematics/Cyber/ English Medal in each class. The top 3 rank holders from the class will be awarded medals.? (With minimum 15 enrolments in the class concerned)

School / Principal / Teacher in-charge awards :-
Best Principal award
Best Principal to be determined by the weighted average of number of registering students and their performance for all 4 global Olympiads

National Winner :
Rs 20000 + Trophy + Certificate
State Winners ? (2 nos. per participating states )
Rs 10000 + Trophy + Certificate

Best Teacher Award :
Best Teacher In-charge to be determined by the weighted average of number of registering students and their performance in Edu-Talent Olympiad. :
National Winner Rs 10000+ Trophy + Certificate
State Winners (2 / state )? Rs 5000/ + Trophy + Certificate

STQ (School Talent Quotient Report) for every participating School
if there are 50 enrolments in each class per olympiad
Ist Topper Student – Award worth Rs 500/
2nd Topper Student-Award worth Rs 250/
(Any changes in announcements due to unavoidable circumstances taken by the management would be final and will be informed )

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