Star Vijay Super Singer Junior Season 5 Voting 2017 :

Organisation : Star Vijay
Contest Name : Super Singer Junior Season 5 Voting 2017
Applicable For : Viewers
Voting Last Date : June 17th, 2017
Website :
Voting T&C :

Super Singer Junior Voting:

Rules for Voting Activity (“Poll”) to determine winners from Pre-Finals and Finals performances of Super Singer Junior Season 5 (“Program”) telecast in Star Vijay & Star Vijay HD (“Channel”) as under

Update: Star Vijay TV Super Singer Junior Season 6 Voting Poll Online :

Rules :
1. The Poll shall commence from June 11th, 2017 at 19:00:00 hours and would end on June 17th, 2017 on completion of 15 minutes after second round performance of the contestants during the telecast ofthe Program.

2. The Channel shall telecast the Pre Finals Round of the “Program” on June 11th June 2017 between 19:00:00 hours till 20:30:00 hours (“Pre Finals Round”). The Channel shall telecast the Finals Round of the “Program” on June 17th, 2017 from 17:00:00 hours.

3. To participate in the Poll, the viewers must watch the Program. The viewers by participating in the Poll will get an opportunity to cast their vote for any contestant(s) named in Rule 4..

4. The voting ID of the contestants is as follows:
** GOWRI -SSJ 05

5. The viewers will get an opportunity to cast his/her vote in favor of any contestant/s participating in the Pre Final Round and Finals Round named in Rule 4 hereinabove.
6. A viewer interested in casting his/her vote in favor of his/her favorite contestant in Pre Final

Round and Finals Round shall follow the steps stated herein below:
For Online Voting, follow the instructions stated below.

** Log on to the website;
** Notify your email id as required in the website;
** Click on the link sent to your notified email id and vote for your favorite contestant through the link;
** Viewers can also sign in using their email id through Facebook and Google.

7. A Viewer shall be entitled to only 50 votes per email id per day for voting.
8. Vote(s) cast during (a) prior to or later than Poll dates mentioned herein and (b) beyond the permitted number per email id shall not be considered and shall be null and void
9. The votes received from the viewer(s), and the scores obtained by the respective contestant from the judges of the Pre Final Round and Finals Round shall be ranked separately.

General Rules:
1. VTPL or the Channel reserves all rights to make amendments to the existing rules without prior notice.
2. The viewer interested in participating in the Poll must be above the age of 18 years and shall be a resident of India and not a resident of India can vote through Online alone.

This post was last modified on June 28, 2021 2:01 PM

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