NLU Delhi Insolvency & Bankruptcy Moot Competition 2017 :

Organization : National Law University Delhi
Competition Name : Insolvency & Bankruptcy Moot Competition First Edition 2017
Application Last Date : 20.07.2017
Applicable For : Teams from law universities and schools of management and economics
Website :

Insolvency & Bankruptcy Moot Competition :

The National Law University, Delhi, in collaboration with INSOL India and Society of Insolvency Practitioners of India (SIPI), and supported by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has initiated a Moot Competition on Insolvency and Bankruptcy.

Related : Kashmir University PAYAM-e-RAMADHAN Competitions 2017 :

The first edition of the Competition will held on 28-29 October 2017 in New Delhi, India.

Theme of the inaugural edition is corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP). Kesar Dass B. & Associates (KDB) Delhi and Rajah and Tann Asia of Singapore, are the sponsors partners.

Insolvency is a sophisticated and complex economic law. It is one of the most critical components of the financial architecture of any country involving a wide range of stakeholders.

It is critical that the students of law, commerce and management understand the nuances of this specialised subject by both, education and training in this field. This will enable them to choose a career out of many streams of profession this branch of commercial law offers and prepare them for industry engagement.

This is probably the first Competition curated on the subject of insolvency after the enactment of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 (IBC). Format of Competition is based on the process envisaged under IBC.

The 1st edition of this Competition shall have teams from law universities and schools of management and economics. Selection of teams will be based on written memorandums and only shortlisted teams would proceed for oral rounds. Participation is by Invitation only this year.

Schedule :
Commencement of Registration 20.06.2017
Release of Moot Problem 01.07.2017
Last Date for Registration 20.07.2017
Last Date for Seeking Clarifications on Moot Problem 20.07.2017
Release of Clarifications 31.07.2017
Submission of Memorandum 25.08.2017
Announcement of shortlisted teams 20.09.2017
Team Registration at NLUD 27.10.2017
Oral Rounds 28.10.2017- 29.10.2017
Finals and awards 29.10.2017

1. The competition is conducted in the English language. It is open to teams from professionally accredited law schools and management schools. Each eligible college may register only one team in the Competition. The closing date for registration is 20th July 2017.

2. A team can consist of no less than two and no more than four students, who shall be enrolled as full-time or part-time students of any degree in law or business, in the college/university they represent at the time of the Competition.

However, no team member may have already been admitted or licensed to practice Law/CA/CS/CMA in any jurisdiction at the time of oral pleadings.

3. The Team who will submit the memorials must appear in the Oral Rounds. Teams shall not alter members after submission of the list of team members, except upon written permission of CTCL based on a showing of extraordinary circumstances.

In the Oral Rounds, no substitution will be permitted after the commencement of the first argument unless the number of team members drops below two.

4. The Memorials Round and oral arguments shall be the work of the student team members only.

5. During the course of oral rounds, no communication is permitted between the speaker at the Bar Table and other members of the team, except the co-counsel, who may pass chits to the speaker without interrupting the arguments.

6. The use by the speaker, whether directly or indirectly, of electronic devices is not permitted at the Bar Table.

7. Each team will be assigned a team code by the organising committee. Teams shall identify themselves within their memorials only by use of this anonymous identifier. During the Oral rounds, team members shall avoid identifying their college or University to the judges.

1. Each Team must register for the Moot by completing the Registration Form on or before 20th July 2017.
2. Registration fee for the Moot is INR 3000 per team for national teams. The registration fees for international teams is US$ 100.

3. The registration fees for the Moot is to be paid through an Online Payment Portal which shall be specified to the teams in due course, once the shortlisted teams have been notified on 20th September 2017.

Such notified teams are required to email a screenshot of the online payment confirmation to insolvency [AT] latest by 25th September 2017.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 11:29 AM

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