ISIL 17th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition 2017 : Indian Society of International Law

Organization : Indian Society of International Law
Competition Name : 17th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition 2017
Application Last Date : 19th September 2017
Applicable For : Law Students
Prize : Running Trophy

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Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition :

** The Indian Society of International Law (ISIL) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are happy to announce that the 17t h Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law will be held in New Delhi from 21s t to 24th September 2017 at the premises of the ISIL.

Related : Seshadripuram Law College 4th National Level Moot Court Competition 2017 :

** We cordially invite your esteemed institution to participate in the above event by sending a team of three students and a coach/teacher
** The aim of the 2017 Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition remains to promote awareness and understanding of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) among the law students and law faculties in India.

** This Moot Court Competition has been providing over the years an ample opportunity for the law students of this country to get a better understanding of IHL through contact with theorists and practitioners, and to become acquainted with the practical application and enforcement of this important area of law.

** The problem prepared for the Moot Court is normally based on contemporary issues of, and challenges to IHL.
** Participation in the Moot Court involves thorough research and detailed study of IHL treaties, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional Protocols, and the rules of customary law applicable to this area.
** The moot problem, registration form and the detailed rules and guidelines for the Moot Court Competition are enclosed.
** Registration form should reach us either by post (at ISIL) or by email ( as soon as possible.
** The memorials and counter memorials shall be submitted on or before 19th September 2017 at ISIL address.
** All the teams are requested to reach the venue of the competition, i.e., ISIL latest by the noon of 21st September 2017
** The organising committee will provide accommodation and meals to the members of the participating teams for the duration of the competition.

** Any clarification about the rules and guidelines or the conditions of the Moot Court could be sought from Shri Vinai Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, ICRC Centre for International Humanitarian Law, ISIL (Tel: 23384458-59; Mobile No: 9810580179) and Dr. Anuradha Saibaba, Legal Adviser, ICRC (Tel: 42211000;) who are the joint coordinators of the programme.

** We earnestly hope that your institution would support the 17th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court competition by sending a team

Rules for the Preliminary Rounds :
** All participating teams in the competition will be divided by the organisers into various groups, depending upon the number of teams participating in the competition.
** Where necessary, more than one court room will be provided for all competitions, in order to facilitate the smooth functioning of the Moot Court competition.
** Teams shall argue cases against each other; the matching of teams will be decided by a draw of lots prior to the commencement of the competition.
** During the preliminary rounds, each team will have the opportunity to argue both sides; once as the prosecution and once as the defence.
** Time allotted for arguments will be 10 + 2 minutes for the prosecution and 10+2 minutes for the defence. Extra time will be given to answer questions asked by the judges.
** There will be time allotted for rebuttals. Each team will be allowed 3 minutes for rebuttals during the preliminary rounds.
** Both selected members of the team shall make oral presentations during the each round. The presentations shall be divided equally among the Moot Court participants.

Rules for the Quarter Final Rounds :
** In India, the top sixteen teams from the preliminary rounds shall qualify to participate in the quarter-final. Selection will be based upon the marks awarded by the organising committee after the evaluation of written memorials, plus the marks awarded by judges for the oral presentations by teams during the preliminary rounds.

The arrangement of teams selected for the quarter-final rounds shall be as follows:
** In India, those teams that have qualified for the quarterfinal will be divided in to four groups – Group A, Group B, Group C, and Group D.
** The team that attainted the highest score in the preliminary round will compete against the team that attained the ninth highest score.
** The team with the second highest score will compete against the team with the tenth highest score.
** The team with the third highest score will compete against the eleventh highest score.
** The team with the fourth highest score will compete with the twelfth highest score.
** The team with the fifth highest score will compete with the thirteenth highest score.
** The team with the sixth highest score will compete with the fourteenth highest score
** The team with the seventh highest score will compete with the fifteenth highest score
** The team with the eighth highest score will compete with the sixteenth highest score

** The quarter-final rounds will be conducted during the afternoon session of the 3rd day of the competition.

** The sides to be argued by teams will be decided by a draw of lots, prior to the commencement of the quarterfinal round of the competition. Each team shall argue both prosecution and defence during the quarterfinal round.

There shall be a break after the first round of arguments. After the break, the teams will change, switch over their position and will have to argue against a new team, as follows:
** The team that argued on behalf of the prosecution in the first round will have to argue on behalf of the defence in the second round against a new team. The team that argued on behalf of defence in the first round will have to argue on behalf of the prosecution during the second round against a new team/new set of judges.

This post was last modified on June 19, 2017 11:22 AM

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