Maharashtra Rifle Association State Shooting Championship 2017 :

Organization : Maharashtra Rifle Association
Competition Name : State Shooting Championship 2017
Application Last Date : 07.07.2017
Competition Date : 16.07 2017 to 19.07.2017
Applicable For : Shooters
Prize : Medals and/ or Certificates
Location : Mumbai

Contest Details : :
Website :

State Shooting Championship :

The last date of receipt of single entry fee is 07.07.2017. Entries may be accepted until 10.07.2017 with a payment of double entry fee.

Related : Hyderabad Triathlon 2017 :

The 21st Capt. S. J. Ezekiel Memorial Maharashtra State Shooting Championship for shotgun Novices (NR Category) [Capt. SJEMMSSC] will be held from 16. 07. 2017 to 19. 07. 2017.

The Championship will be conducted by the Maharashtra Association and organized by the Pune Jilha Nembaji Sanghatana, at the Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex,Mahalunge-Balewadi,Pune-411045.

Eligibility for participating in the 34th MSSC-2017 :
A shooter who has achieved the minimum qualifying score – MQS – [as mentioned in chart ‘A’, on page 3] in the respective event, in any competition recognized by the MRA, in the last 5 years i.e. from 01.01.2013 until the MSSC 2017, is eligible to participate in that event, in the 34th Maharashtra State Shooting Championship – MSSC.

A shooter who is desirous of participating in the 34th MSSC-2017 in any event but has not achieved the MQS required for that event, or has not achieved the MQS after 01.01.2013, s/he may:
a. If eligible, participate/compete in the 21st Capt. SJEMMSSC and achieve the MQS.

OR [if s/he is not eligible to compete in the 21st Capt. SJEMMSSC]

Shooters who are Medal winners of the State or the National Championships would be eligible to participate in the 34th MSSC irrespective of any of the above rules.

No Ammunitions will be issued to participating shooters. Shooters are responsible for arranging Ammunition for their own training and competition purpose.

1. Persons desiring to participate in one or more events should complete the attached entry form and send it along with the entry fee (by Demand Draft only- Maharashtra Rifle Association Competition, Mumbai.) to the MRA office.

2. Entry forms without appropriate entry fee, will be rejected
3. All weapons and ammunition must comply with NRAI / ISSF Rules.
4. All the matches will be conducted as per ISSF rules & NRAI Match Book.
5. Participants will have to bring their own arms/ammunition and other equipments. ONE WEAPON, CAN BE SHARED BY, NOT MORE THAN 2 SHOOTERS.

6. All shooters must shoot in the details allocated to them. Absentees will not be allowed to take part in a later detail even if a lane is vacant in that detail. If a shooter is absent, another shooter will not be permitted to shoot in his place.

7. Allocation of relays and firing points will be done by the Organizing Committee. The particulars of details will be put up on the Notice Board two days prior to the date of the actual event and all participants should keep themselves informed by referring to the Notice Board.

8. Shooters are required to be present at the firing point 15 minutes prior to the commencement of their respective details.
9. A shooter who does not complete 21 years of age, on or before 31.12.2017 will be considered a Junior.

10. Medals and/or Certificates stating Medal and/or corresponding Ranking will be awarded only to those shooters who qualify for participation in the forthcoming 27th All India G.V. Mavlankar Shooting Championship in that event.

The qualification score for each event is mentioned in ‘Chart ‘A’/page 3 of this circular and are scores as specified by the National Rifle Association of India in its Match Book.

No Medals and/or Certificates stating the Rank will be issued to shooters who do not fulfill the above criterion – of qualifying for participation in the forthcoming 26th AIGVMSC. The organizing committee reserves the right to relax this rule in the case of junior shooters.

Note :
1. Please attach one passport size photograph duly signed in front and name on backside.
2. Entry fee from outstation Unit/Club/District association should be sent by D.D. in favour of the Maharashtra Rifle Association Competition.

3. Shooter must fill the entry form in his own handwriting. Incomplete entry forms shall be rejected. Shooters furnishing incorrect information /statement/ declaration shall be debarred from taking part in any Championships for a period of 2 years.

4. Shooter must carry valid Identification proof (club membership card/driving license/College I- card/ passport/voters I-card etc) and show it to the Range officer prior to the commencement of the match, failing which S/he will not be allowed to commence the match.

5. All Shooters must ensure that they are in proper permitted clothing – prohibited clothing like blue jeans will not be permitted on the firing line during practice or match.

As per the new ISSF rule on clothing Jeans of all type, pant/shorts with pockets on the outside like Cargo pants, sleeveless Tops, shorts which are above the arm length of the shooter, Chappals and Sandals are STRICTLY PROHIBITED/NOT PERMITTED during competition.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:43 PM

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