RGNUL 1st Surana International Law Moot Court Competition 2017

Organization : Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law
Competition Name : 1st Surana & Surana & RGNUL International Law Moot Court Competition, 2017
Application Last Date : 20th July 2017
Competition Date : 25th – 27th August 2017
Applicable For : LL.B Course Students
Download Rules : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/23718-rules.pdf
Website : https://www.rgnul.ac.in/events.aspx?ref_id=95

1st Surana Moot Court Competition :

The Surana & Surana International Law Moot has been conceived with the aim of creating opportunities for learning the development of jurisprudence on emerging trends in International Law besides developing cutting edge skills in research, writing and advocacy.

Related : Uttaranchal University National Moot Court Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/23698.html

Venue And Date :
The 1st Surana & Surana & RGNUL International Law Moot Court Competition, 2017 shall be held from 25th – 27th August 2017 at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, Bhadson Road, Sidhuwal, Patiala-147001.

Language :
The competition shall be in English language only.

Eligibility :
The competition is open for students who are studying LL.B three years or five years course during the current academic year interested in International Law.

Team Composition :
a. Each team should consist of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 members. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances.

b. There shall be 2 speakers and 1 researcher designated for each team. The researcher shall be allowed to argue with prior permission of National Administrator in case of illness of the designated speakers.

c. Each team will be provided a team code during orientation. Teams should not disclose the identity of their institution; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the National Administrator.

Registration :
a. Online registrations are open from 15 th June 2017. The teams must register online by 20th July 2017. Teams will have to register online at moot.in. Only 24 teams will be registered to participate in the competition on the first- come- first serve basis.

b. Participants will receive an automated system generated acknowledgement on successful submission of registration. Participants will receive an approval as acceptance of their request for participation latest by 22nd July 2017 8:00 PM or earlier.

c. A scanned copy of the letter from the participating college/ institution / university duly signed by any one of the following: Faculty-in-charge of MCS/MCA, Registrar, Principal, Dean, Director, Chancellor or Vice- Chancellor confirming the names of the participants, Year / semester in which studying, representing the college/ institution / university for the moot competition will have to be attached during the online registration process.

d. Registrations without the copy of the approval letter from the college/institution/university or duly attested registration form will not be valid.
e. The Registration fees for the competition shall be Rs. 4,000 (Rupees Four Thousand only) and the registered teams will be e-mailed the web link for online payment of Registration fees.

f. Registration particulars as soft copy should be sent by e-mail to: mootcommittee@rgnul.ac.in marked as THE SURANA & SURANA & RGNUL INTERNATIONAL LAW MOOT COURT COMPETITION REGISTRATION as the subject of the mail latest by 20th July 2017.

The provisional team code shall be allotted to the registered teams by Host University soon after receiving of registration particulars.

Results :
Results of the preliminary rounds shall be announced after the completion of rounds of all the teams. Similarly, the results of the Quarterfinals / Semifinals shall be announced after completion of the rounds of all qualified teams of respective rounds. The results of the final rounds shall be announced in Valedictory Ceremony.

Preliminary Rounds & Quarterfinals :
a. Each team will get a total of 30 minutes to present their case. This period of 30 minutes is inclusive of the time reserved for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal.

b. The division of time is at the discretion of the team members, subject to a maximum of 15 minutes per speaker. It is the duty of the Team to inform the division of time to the court clerk before the arguments begin.

c. Oral Pleadings shall be confined to the pleading in the Memorials.
d. The Researcher can, through Court Clerks, pass notes to the Speakers during the Oral Pleading Round subject to the discretion of the Judges.
e. The attendance of the Researcher at the time of Oral Pleading Rounds is compulsory.

This post was last modified on May 12, 2022 11:38 AM

Categories: Law College
Tags: rgnul.ac.in
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