JNU Jaipur V.S. Mani Memorial International Law Moot Court Competition 2017

Organization : Jaipur National University
Competition Name : V. S. Mani Memorial International Law Moot Court Competition – 2017
Application Last Date : 25th August, 2017
Competition Date : 22nd, 23rd & 24th September
Applicable For : UG Regular Based Students
Prize : INR 25,000
Location : Jaipur

Register Here : icems.jnujaipur.ac.in/registration.html
Competition Rules : icems.jnujaipur.ac.in/rules.html
Website : https://www.jnujaipur.ac.in/

Mani Memorial Moot Court Competition 2017 :

The number of participants in a team shall be three. Information required herein is mandatory. A bona fide certificate issued by an appropriate authority of the institution/ college /university must be sent along with this registration form.

Related : RGNUL 1st Surana International Law Moot Court Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/23718.html

Eligibility for Participation :
** The Competition is open to all students, enrolled bona fide on a regular basis in an undergraduate Law course (5 years integrated Law course / 3 Year LL.B Course) or its equivalent conducted by any recognized Institution/College/University of any country.

** No Institution/College/University shall enter the Competition with more than one team.
** A cap of 40 teams is reserved for the Competition.
** Each Team shall comprise of a minimum of two members and a maximum of three members.
** In a Team comprising of two members, both the members shall be designated as Speakers.
** In a Team comprising of three members, the third member of the team shall be designated as Researcher.
** Any additional member or team coach of any team shall not formally be recognized and will not be entitled to a certificate from the University

Language :
The language of the Competition shall be English.

Clarifications to the Case :
Teams may request for clarifications via e-mail to director.sslg@jnujaipur.ac.in, latest by August 10, 2017 (11.59 P.M. IST).

Anonymity of Teams :
** Teams shall not reveal their identity in any form, except by means of the Team Code allotted to them during the Competition.
** The Written Submissions shall not reveal the identity of the team in any form and should not bear the logo, name etc. of the University represented.
** Any material presented to the Panel should be devoid of any identification marks / seal of the Team.
** If any such mark / seal exists, it shall be rendered unfair means.
** Any violation of Rule 4.2 and 4.3 shall attract severe penalty or disqualification as determined by the Director.
** The decision of the Director in this regard shall be final and not subject to challenge.

Dress Code :
** All Participants (Both Male and Female) shall wear Black Blazer, Black Trouser, White Shirt, Black Shoes with Black Socks and Black Tie.
** Non Compliance of Clause (1) will lead to penalty.

Registration of teams :
** Each team shall complete the registration within the stipulated time.
** The registration is a two-step process comprising of filling up of the registration form and payment of the registration fee as provided in Rule 7.
** Registration will be open till August 20, 2017 (11.59 P. M. IST).
** The registration form can be downloaded from the official website of the University (jnujaipur.ac.in).
** The Teams are required to send a bona-fide letter issued by the appropriate authority of their College or University along with the duly filled registration form.

Registration Fee :
** The Registration Fee is INR 3,500/- Indian teams/ Least Developed Countries or Developing Countries / Economies, SAARC Nations.
** Teams from Least Developed Countries of Developing Countries/Economies may pay in INR or its equivalent amount in US Dollars or Euro.
** All other Teams shall pay US $ 100 or its equivalent excluding service charge (if any) in Euro as registration fee.

Payment of Registration Fee :
** Indian Teams must make payment by Demand Draft.
** The procedure for the same has been provided in the Annexure to the Competition Rules.
** Payment by all other teams must be made by Bank Transfer.
** The procedure for the same has been provided in the registration form.
** All the formalities concerning the registration process should be completed by August 25, 2017.
** The decision of the Director shall be final in this regard.
** Once the Team is registered after completing the formalities, a Team Code shall be assigned to it by August 25, 2017.
** A Team that has registered pursuant to Rules 1.4 may change its composition only after informing the Director of such change.
** Any changes with respect to the contact details shall be notified to the Director with immediate effect.
** This obligation to inform shall continue throughout the course of the Competition.

Structure of the Competition :
The Competition Rounds shall be held over a period of 2 days from September 23rd and September 24th, 2017. The Memorial Exchange will take place in the afternoon of September 22nd, 2017.

The Competition shall consist of four (4) Rounds:
** The Preliminary Rounds
** The Quarter Finals;
** The Semi Finals; and
** The Final

Preliminary Rounds:
** In the Preliminary rounds, each Team shall argue once as Applicant and once as Respondent. The Team which argues for the Applicant in the first Preliminary Round shall argue for the Respondent in the second Preliminary Round, and vice-versa.

** At the end of both preliminary rounds, the top eight teams will qualify for the quarter finals on the basis of their wins in both Preliminary rounds.
** A team shall be credited with a win if its total marks in the respective session are higher than its opponent team. The total scores for the preliminary rounds shall be out of 200.
** In case of a tie, the marks of the memorials will be considered in addition to the scores of preliminary rounds. The team with the higher score will advance to the Quarter Finals.
** The Teams are required to return the hard copy of their opponent’s Written Submission to the Moot Officers soon after the Oral Rounds.

Quarter Finals :
** The quarter finals will be knock-out rounds. A Team will be credited with a win in the quarter finals if their total marks, are higher than its opponent’s Teams.
** In case of a tie, the total oral marks of the Teams in the previous round(s) will be considered.
** The Team with the higher score will win.
** If the situation of tie still persists, then it would be resolved through the toss of coin.
** The Teams are required to return the hard copy of their opponent’s Written Submission to the Moot Officers soon after the Oral Rounds.

Semi Finals :
** The semi finals will again be knock-out rounds. A Team will be credited with a win in the Semi-finals if their total marks, are higher than its opponent’s Teams.
** In case of a tie, the total oral marks of the Teams in the previous round(s) will be considered.
** The Team with the higher score will win.
** If the situation of tie still persists, then it would be resolved through the toss of coin.
** The Teams are required to return the hard copy of their opponent’s Written Submission to the Moot Officers soon after the Oral Rounds.

Final :
** Winner of the Final will be decided on the basis of Oral Arguments only.

This post was last modified on February 19, 2021 3:21 PM

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