Amway India Share A Drink Contest 2017

Organisation : Amway India
Competition Name : #ShareADrink Contest 2017
Application Last Date : 28th June 2017
Applicable For : Indian Citizens
Prize : Samsung S8
Contest Terms & Conditions :
Contest Page :
Home Page :

#ShareADrink Contest :

The #ShareADRINK contest is valid for a limited period from 29th May to 28th June 2017

Related : iSupportCause Kottary King Contest 2017 :

Steps to participate :
Step 1: Buy a pack of NFDM* and retain the memo of your purchase.
Step 2: Share NFDM* drink with your friends and capture the moment as a photo.
Step 3: Share the moment on your Facebook wall and tag as many friends as you want with hashtag #ShareADrink
Step 3: Also, email us the memo along with the captured moment as a photo at
*NFDM – Nutrilite Fruit Drink Mix

Campaign Duration* :
29th May to 28th June 2017

Gratification : (11 Winners*)
The best photo with “moment with NFDM” & with maximum no of tag wins a Samsung S8.
The next 10 best entries will get a pack of NFDM each.

Detailed Terms & Conditions :
1. The #ShareADRINK contest is valid for a limited period from 29th May to 28th June 2017
2. This contest is valid for Indian Citizens who are above 18 years of Age.

3. Participants should purchase NFDM*, share a drink with their friends and capture the moment. Share the photo on your Facebook wall and tag as many friends possible with hashtag #ShareADrink.

The participant should email the photo with “moment with NFDM* and an image of the memo to Any entry without any element (i.e. use of hashtag, pictures, memo, share on wall, email) mentioned would be considered invalid.

4. Entry closes at midnight 11:59 PM of 28th June’2017. Any entry received after 11.59 PM midnight on 28th June’2017, will not be considered for the contest.
5. One participant can send only one entry.
6. The best entry will get a Samsung S8. The next 10 best entries will get a pack of NFDM each.

7. The Company and/ or its appointed panel of judges would select the best entries basis the photos received in the contest at its sole discretion and the same shall be final, binding and non-challengeable.

8. The winning participants will be showcased on Amway’s Facebook page and will be intimated by the Company at the email-id through which entry was received. The winners are required to acknowledge their win, over mail within 3 days of being notified of the same, failing which the prize(s) may be void.

Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Limited does not accept any responsibility for any incorrect communication detail(s) provided by the winners and/or delay in receipt of communication and/or non-receipt of communication for any reason whatsoever.

9. The best entry will get a Samsung S8 and the next 10 best entries will get a pack of NFDM each. They can collect their prize from the nearest Amway Office. The prizes are not transferable, non-exchangeable for any other value. Not valid if not collected on the date intimated or before, 3 months from the date of intimation.

10. All entries submitted are subject to review. The content should not be offensive/indecent and Amway India Enterprises Pvt Ltd reserves the right to reject inappropriate images or content that are not within the theme of the contest.

This post was last modified on July 13, 2021 4:18 PM

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