CandidShutters Free Couple Shoot in Europe Contest 2017

Organisation : CandidShutters
Competition Name : Free Couple Shoot in Europe Contest 2017
Application Last Date : 7th July 2017
Applicable For : Couples
Photo Shoot Cities : Amsterdam 18-Jul-17, Prague 24-Jul-17, Vienna 28-Jul-17 and Budapest 31-Jul-17
Location : Mumbai

Contest Details :
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Free Couple Shoot in Europe Contest :

Feel the Love of Europe. Get a free couple photo shoot in Europe

Related : Mumbai Travellers My Travel Photo Contest 2017 :

India’s leading wedding photography company, CandidShutters is coming to Europe and is offering a free couple photo shoot in the following cities : Amsterdam 18-Jul-17, Prague 24-Jul-17, Vienna 28-Jul-17 and Budapest 31-Jul-17.

Rules :
1. Take a selfie with your partner (all genders welcome)

2. Share it on either of with a mention @candidshutters, hashtag #candidshutters and hashtag city name (from the available cities of Amsterdam, Prague, Vienna and Budapest) or mail it with a mention of the city (from the available cities of Amsterdam, Prague, Vienna and Budapest)

3. Send your love story to
Do all of the above before 7th July 2017.
Winners will be contacted via email. The contest is best designed for couples who are or can be present (by their own means) in the above mentioned cities on the designated dates.
You can participate on either of or by sending an email to

Terms and conditions :
** CandidShutters means the crew of CandidShutters, its associates and the brand itself.
** Prize means the couple photo shoot. Contest means the free couple shoot contest.
** Cities mean Amsterdam, Vienna, Prague and Budapest.
** CandidShutters does not ask for any payment/purchase to enter the contest or win the contest or use the prize.
** From our side its completely free of cost.
** This contest is void where prohibited.
** Facebook/twitter/instagram are not in any way involved with the contest and hence they are released from any liability whatsoever.
** The shoot will be for still photography only.
** There will be a shoot in each of the following cities on the dates mentioned next to the city names- Amsterdam 18-Jul-17, Prague 24-Jul-17, Vienna 28-Jul-17 and Budapest 31-Jul-17.
** Each session in each of these cities will be for two hours only.
** Makeup, hair, props, dresses etc. will have to be arranged by the couple.
** We will only provide photography service.
** Only one entry per couple is allowed. This means that a couple can win a photoshoot in one of the four cities only.
** There will be a different couple (unless decided otherwise by CandidShutters) for each of the four cities.
** The contest is open to couples of all genders and all nationalities.
** There will be one couple selected for each of these cities and the winners will be notified via email.
** The winners will be decided on the basis of the selfie entered and the story submitted.
** Be creative in submitting your selfie and story.
** The couple needs to cover their transportation cost and any other cost incurred in reaching the place or preparing for the shoot.
** Please note that CandidShutters will not and does not ask for any payment or consideration to participate or win this contest. The winning couple will be notified via email the location and timing of the shoot and the couple needs to be present at that location.
** Any local entry fee etc. has to be borne by the couple for themselves.
** The winners will be chosen before 10th July 2017 and will be notified by email.
** The location and timing of the shoot will be sent to the respective winners one day before their shoot.
** The selection of winners will be on the basis of the photograph uploaded and the story shared.
** The decision on the winners will be of CandidShutters and it will be final and binding to all.
** It cannot be challenged anywhere.
** The prize will be valid only on the date and time notified to the winner in the email.
** If the couple fails to turn up on time at the designated place then it forfeits the prize.
** There will not be any substitution/transfer/monetary compensation of the prize.
** The prize (the free couple shoot) is non transferrable.

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