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solapurcorporation.gov.in Mere Sapno ka Shahar/My Dream City Solapur Essay Writing Competition 2015 : Municipal Corporation

Organization : Solapur Municipal Corporation
Competition Name : Mere Sapno ka Shahar/My Dream City Solapur Essay Writing Competition 2015
Applicable City : Solapur

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Website : http://www.solapurcorporation.gov.in/
Submit Here : https://mygov.in/task/essay-writing-competition-my-dream-city-solapur/

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Mere Sapno ka Shahar/My Dream City Solapur Essay Writing Competition 2015:

Solapur Municipal Corporation is overwhelmed by the support received from the citizen for development of Solapur as Smart City on www.mygov.in.

The last date to submit your entries is 15th October, 2015.

Further to receive suggestions from the citizen on Solapur Smart City “Vision”, the Solapur Municipal Corporation is announcing an Essay writing competition on the theme of Mere Sapno ka Shahar i.e. “My Dream City – Solapur”.

The objective of the essay writing competition is to get understanding the dreams and aspirations of the citizen of Solapur. We request the citizen to present their essay in three components, major issues in and challenges faced in your city and what according to you is a solution for overcoming the said issue or challenge. The Essay shall not be more than 1000 (one thousand) words. The Essay can be written in English, Hindi or Marathi.

Participants are expected to be creative in their representation of essay; however, during writing the essay, the participants are expected to respond to the following five points:
Point1: What is your Vision for Smart Solapur? (not more than 3-4 lines)

Point 2: Strength, opportunities and potential of the Solapur?

Point 3: What according to you is the biggest issue and challenge for the city and your solution to address this issue or challenge – Please list at least three major issues in order of priority according to you and your solutions for these issues.

Point 4: What according to you should be a development that can be undertaken in Solapur which will be beneficial to all classes of the city residents?

Point 5: How will future Solapur look according to your dreams and aspirations?

Solapur Municipal Corporation will evaluate the entries and the top five essays will be given the following prize money:
a) 1st Prize – Rs 25,000/- (Twenty five thousand only)
b) 2nd Prize – Rs 15,000/- (Fifteen thousand only)
c) 3rd Prize – Rs 10,000/- (Ten thousand only)
d) 4th Prize – Rs 5,000/- (Five thousand only)
e) 5th Prize – Rs 3,000/- (Three thousand only)

Please note:
1. Weightage shall be given to creative, innovative and implementable solutions that are proposed for resolution of the issues in the city (this note is applicable for point 4 and point 5).

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Add a Comment
  1. Lakhan Ram Patel

    It is very nice scheme.

  2. Kanan garg

    I want to participate. But I am unable to do

  3. abuzar asif

    I want to ask that from where can I get this topic “mere sapno ka shehar”?

    1. Admin

      My Dream City – Solapur

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