BGR India Smart Is Black Contest 2017

Organisation : BGR India
Contest Name : Smart Is Black Contest 2017 (#SmartIsBlack )
Applicable For : All residents of India
Contest Last Date : June 30, 2017
Website : bgr [dot] in
Contest Details :

#SmartIsBlack Contest :

The “#SmartIsBlack” Contest, henceforth referred to as the “Contest”, is conducted by ‘OptiemusInfracom’ on BGR India’s official Facebook page and Twitter handle and will be cross – pollinated on BlackBerry mobile India social channels. Any participation in this regard is voluntary.

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Five lucky winners will be chosen by the respective platform and will be handed over gift vouchers. All participants must ensure completion of the following steps to successfully take part in the Contest

Steps :
1. The contestant must follow BlackBerry Mobile India channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Facebook – @BlackBerryMIndia (
Twitter – @BBMobileIndia (
Instagram – blackberry_india

2.Share their thoughts on how Black is smart for them.
3.Use the hashtag #SmartIsBlack in the shared post
4. Keep the privacy settings of the shared post ‘public’

Conditions For Participation:
** The Contest is open to all residents of India except the employees and the family members of the organizer, its associate companies, its advertising and promotional agencies and its auditors /executing agencies and their associate companies.
** Minors are not allowed to participate in this Contest.
** There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to be eligible for this Contest.
** The Contest is open from 10.00 AM on June 27, 2017 to 11.59 PM on June 30, 2017 only on the officialBGR INDIA Facebook and Twitter account.
** Entries shared after this period will not be considered valid.
** Any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content must not be shared with the entry.
** BGR India is not responsible for misspellings, typographical errors, or other issues that may affect its ability to locate a purported entry post using a search to find eligible entries.
** BGR India may not be able to view purported entry posts, receive or send communications, or otherwise detect participation from or interact with entrants who have settings on Facebook that make their updates, comments, posts or communications private, protected or otherwise limited due to the way Facebook operates its services.
** It is each entrant’s responsibility to set their account settings on Facebook or Twitter to ensure that any purported entry post is made publicly available, to accept contacts by BGR India, and to timely check his or her account for any comments, @replies, messages, direct posts/messages, or other communications (as applicable).
** The contestants’ entry post must remain active on their Facebook and Twitter account through winner selection and prize award for the Contest to be eligible.
** Their entry post may appear on their Facebook or Twitter/account feed and may be visible to other users or the public. Each entrant must be the rightful owner of the Facebook account utilized for entry.
** BGR India does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.
** BGR India reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Contest and/ or the Terms & Conditions.
** However, any changes to the Terms & Conditions, will be updated/ posted on various BGR India platforms (Facebook and Twitter). It would be the responsibility of the participants to keep themselves informed as per any changes in the Terms & Conditions stated for this Contest.
** Prizes are non-transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash. No cash claim can be made in lieu of prizes.

Evaluation Criteria:
** Entries will be judged on the basis of communication of their answer to the question.
** The decision of BGR Indiawould be final and binding on all the participants and no clarifications would be issued to any participants for any of the decisions
** The winners will be announced on July 1, 2017

This post was last modified on August 3, 2023 4:27 PM

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