Siamsinpawlpi Siamsin Photo Contest 2017

Organisation : Siamsinpawlpi
Contest Name : Siamsin Photo Contest 2017
Contest Last Date : 23rd September 2017
Website :
Download Enrty Form :

Siamsin Photo Contest :

Thank you for your interest in SIAMSINPhoto contest. Please read the guidelines and rules & legal conditions before filling in the form.

Related : Photofie Animal Expression Photo Contest 2017 :

Send in the filled in entry form along with your photograph/s to OR, submit it to

The Secretary,
Public Relations,
SSPP Complex,
Siloam Veng,

Participants from Zodawn villages can submit their entries through their respective SSPP HQ/JHQ/ Blocks/Branch/Units. Hand written entry forms are permitted only for those without access to internet and printing facilities

Theme: Zodawn Education

Submission of Entries:
1st August 2017 to 23rd September 2017. The winner shall be declared on SSPP Flag Day, 2017.

Every submission is composed of:
** An entry form
** High-resolution photographs in JPEG format; A maximum of Five (5) photographs shall be accepted per entry.
** Participants are required to justify their photographs with proper Caption(s) and why it fits the theme.
** Photographs captured with mobile phones are accepted.
** There is no gender barrier for participation.
** Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) with Disability Certificates are encouraged to participate*
(*Reservations shall be made in the grading process as per the GOI guidelines to PwDs who submit their entries with Disability Certificate.)

Rules & Legal Conditions :
By submitting one or more photographs and participating in the “SIAMSINPhoto 2017” photo contest, you agree to the following rules and the legal conditions:
** You agree to your photograph(s) and name being displayed by SSPP, published and/or used on websites/ webpages owned by SSPP GHQ and its associated organization(s) for an indefinite period of time.
** You agree to your picture(s) and name being displayed at other venues, at the discretion of SSPP GHQ, for an indefinite period of time.
** Participants retain ownership and all other rights to future use of their photographs, notwithstanding the rights granted above to SSPP GHQ and other exhibition venues.
** Photographs must be true representations of the scene and cannot be posed, set up or staged by the photographer. Portrait categories are the only exceptions.
** The content of a photographic scene must not be digitally manipulated or altered through postproduction processing.
** Routine post-production processing of images for exposure correction, white balance and color toning is acceptable.
** Photos from mobile-device cameras are eligible. However, the use of software capture filters (Beauty Plus, Hipstamatic, CameraBag, Instagram etc.) that artificially impose on the integrity of the scene with excessive tonal aberrations, textures, vignetting, or other artistic manipulations will be disqualified.
** Two photographic modes are accepted: color and black & white. Color images should replicate what the human eye experiences.
** Photograph(s) submitted shall bear no form of identifying marks, watermarks or any signatures.

Participants warrant that their photographs:
** are original and not more than Six (6) months old
** have never been officially published in print or on web (exclusive of personal Social Media sites)
** does not infringe on any third party rights
** have obtained any and all necessary permissions from any third party that appears in the photograph

For Details, Please Contact :
+91 8794347947
+91 9615743579
+91 8415915307

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