PETA India Win Iba Halal Care Cruelty-Free Products Contest 2017 :

Organisation : PETA India
Contest Name : Win Iba Halal Care Cruelty-Free Products Contest 2017
Applicable For : Residents of India
Contest Last Date : 16th July 2017
Website :

Win Iba Halal Care Products :

All you have to do to enter to win a hamper is answer this question: why do smart fashionistas choose cruelty-free cosmetics? Submit your answer using the form

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The contest will close on 16 July 2017. The four individuals who submit the answers deemed to be the most inspiring by PETA will each win a hamper. PETA will choose and announce the winners on 17 July 2017. This contest is open to residents of India only.

Contest Rules :
1. Entrants must send entries as required in the contest announcement in order to be eligible. Entries received after the Last Date set forth in the contest announcement are ineligible, null and void.

2. All winners will be notified of their win via e-mail. If the prize value is under 2400 INR, the prize will be mailed automatically to the address that the winner entered in the contest form. If the prize value is more than 2400 INR, the winner must first respond to the notification e-mail within five (5) business days to claim the prize.

3. Only one entry per e-mail address will be considered for contest entry unless the contest announcement specifically says that multiple entries are allowed.

4. All photos, drawings, text and any other content or information (collectively and severally called “Materials”) that you submit to PETA India shall become the sole and exclusive property of PETA India, and PETA India shall have no obligation to preserve, return or otherwise make available to you or others any Materials.

5. By submitting Materials to PETA India, you represent and warrant that the Materials do not infringe on any copyright, trademark, property rights, rights of privacy or publicity of any person or any other right of any third party and that you have the full and unrestricted right to transfer the Materials to PETA India free and clear of any claims or encumbrances.

6. You acknowledge and agree that PETA India shall have no obligation to post, display or otherwise make publicly available any Materials that you submit.

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