iCreate 2015 Contest

Organisation : Bharti Airtel Limited
Announcement : iCreate 2015 Contest

Home Page :

iCreate 2015 :
Get ready to find unconventional solutions to the most challenging business problems. Watch your ideas come alive with iCreate 2015.

Prizes :
A prize money of Rs. 7,00,000
Pre Placement Interview for the Young Leader Programme
(applicable to final year students)

A prize money of Rs. 3,00,000
Pre Placement Interview for the Young Leader Programme
(applicable to final year students)

All finalist teams (other than Winners & Runners up) will take home prizes worth Rs. 50,000 each

Participants :
B-schools participating in airtel iCreate 2015:
iCreate is open to all the students pursuing a full-time MBA, irrespective of their specialisations.
Basis feedback from last year, we are introducing a Wild Card category for interested participants from campuses not listed here as a Participating B-school.
All teams intending to participate in the competition are required to register themselves before the stipulated date

Airtel 2015 iCreate – Terms & Conditions :
1. The airtel iCreate Contest (“the Contest”) is organized and conducted by Bharti Airtel Limited (hereinafter referred to as “airtel”) having its registered office at Aravali Crescent, 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, Phase II, New Delhi – 110 070.

2. Please read carefully these terms and conditions (the “Rules”) before registering in or submitting any entries, proposals, disclosures, concepts, materials, documentation and/or ideas. These Rules shall form a binding agreement between you and airtel.

3. The Contest is open to individual students who are currently officially enrolled in the Indian premier B-School institutes as mentioned in the guidelines, and who have agreed and accepted these Rules. If there is a change in your eligibility status during the Contest you must notify airtel immediately. Any failure to notify airtel of any change in eligibility status will provoke the disqualification of the participant from the Contest. airtel expressly reserves the right to disqualify any participants for any change in the eligibility status. Disqualified participants and/or teams will not be eligible to win any prizes.

4. If you provide any false information (including, but not limited to, information related to you, Entries submitted by you, the ownership and rights therein or your eligibility status), airtel will have (at its sole option) the right to disqualify you from the Contest.

5. airtel reserve the right to, in their sole and entire discretion, disqualify any participant that it believes: (i) do not comply with the Rules; (ii) infringes or allegedly infringes the proprietary rights of third parties; (iii) and/or violates any applicable laws, regulations, court orders, ordinances and/or rulings. If you in any manner affect the integrity or the legitimate operation of the Contest by whatsoever means, including cheating or committing fraud, airtel reserve the right to seek to recover from you any damages suffered by airtel to the fullest extent permitted by law.

6. airtel reserves its right to add, change, modify or remove any of these Rules or the terms of the event including the prizes, terms of prizes, your participation or any submissions made by you.

7. All entries, concepts, ideas or business plans must be submitted in English. Airtel assumes no responsibility for lost, misdirected, illegible, late entries or non-receipt of any Entries.

8. This forum is a platform for you and your opinions that can be voiced in this event, hence, everything you submit must be clearly recognizable.

9. Personal attacks on others, posting personal information about others, profanity or other inappropriate language or behavior in the event is unacceptable. In addition, you must not cause or refrain from taking participation in any matter or discussion that is provocative or indecent.

10. You shall not distribute or transmit any material that is inappropriate, illegal, indecent, profane, offensive or vulgar. Copying directly or indirectly the other people’s ideas, reports or any material without the permission from original writer is not permitted. airtel may not consider such entries for the purposes of this event that it considers to be in violation of any Conditions or for any other reason deemed appropriate by airtel.

11. Airtel reserves its right to review the submissions or the Entry however, airtel has no obligation to use or consider any such entries, ideas or submissions.

12. By submitting an Entry to the Contest You agree and accept to grant to airtel, and to their respective shareholders, licensees, parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, a worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty free, non-exclusive, perpetual and irrevocable license to copy, reproduce, publish, distribute, make, sell, modify, adapt, incorporate into collective works, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, technologically manipulate, disseminate, broadcast, create derivative works and generally use, in any manner now known or hereafter to become know, all or any portion, alteration or derivation of the ideas, disclosures, proposals, solutions, submissions, concepts, materials, documentation, and entries made by You in the Contest (collectively, the “Entry” or “Entries”).

13. You agree to grant airtel, and their respective shareholders, licensees, parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, the right to use any idea submitted by You for any purpose without any payment or other obligation by airtel, and their respective shareholders, licensees, parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, to You whatsoever.

14. You agree that in case Your Entry is selected for the grant of any prize under this Contest, the said Entry shall be the exclusive, absolute and confidential property of airtel and You shall have no claim of whatsoever nature therein nor shall you raise any claim in future in this regards. You shall not share, divulge or disclose any information relating to the Entry to any third party and shall keep airtel indemnified for any loss that airtel may suffer due to breach of the foregoing.

15. You hereby warrant and represent that you have or will have full and sufficient right and authorization to grant the indemnities, consents, authorizations, licenses, releases and waivers contemplated herein or under the intellectual property policy; that you have made no agreements, grants, assignments, or commitments which will conflict with or impair the complete enjoyment of the rights and Privileges granted to airtel; that any or all works, are or will be wholly original, and they do not and shall not infringe upon or violate any copyright, or any other right, and that there is no claim or action pending, outstanding or threatened which might in any way prejudice the rights granted or to be granted to airtel.

This post was last modified on February 24, 2021 11:36 AM

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