quizfactory.net Quiz Factory Season II Contest 2015 : Aircel

Organisation : Aircel Quiz Factory
Announcement : Quiz Factory Season II Contest
End Date : 23rd October 2015

Home Page : https://quizfactory.com/quiz/

Aircel Quiz Factory Season 2 Contest 2015 Winners : www.contest.net.in/5897.html

Quiz Factory Season II Contest :

The competition starts on 26th July 2015 00:00:00 and ends on 23rd October 2015 at 23:59:59. The total duration of the promotion is 90 days.

For each correct answer a participant gets 100 points and wrong or invalid answers, zero points.

Contest Information :

TIMWE has developed for Aircel subscribers an exciting SMS, IVR and WAP based contest; “Quiz Factory Season II” is a the continuation of a unique concept that will allow participants to get SMS alerts, wallpapers text contents for the product and also play a quiz through their mobile phones and win amazing Prizes, like daily Cash Recharges, Daily TVs, Weekly Motorcycles, Monthly Cars and 1 SUV as bumper prize in 3 months mega contest to be played across voice, text and data.

Contest Participation :

1. Registration :
Only valid Aircel subscribers will be able to access and participate in the contest.

By subscribing to the Quiz Factory, you indicate your acknowledge and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

To subscribe to the Quiz Factory:
a) The Aircel subscribers must send an SMS with the word <WIN> to 584661 @ Rs.5/day or SMS with word <WIN> to 585662 @ Rs. 30/week or SMS with the word <WIN> to 584663 @ Rs. 75 Rs.
b) Dial 58466
c) Access the link at m.quizfactory.net

To Play Quiz Factory on Pay per use model:
a) The Aircel subscribers have to send an SMS with the word <JOIN> to 58466 (Rs. 2/SMS) or
b) Dial 58466 Shortcode at Rs. 2/min

Aircel Quiz Factory Season II On sending the request, the subscriber will receive an acknowledgement SMS telling him/her that his/her service request has been accepted and is being processed. He/she will then be sent an appropriate confirmation SMS once his/her request has been confirmed.

Once the customer becomes Quiz Factory participant, he/she will get an SMS informing about the current or upcoming competition, as prizes to be won.

On activation, if a Quiz Factory subscriber does not get charge, he will be able to play 2 questions, for the period of 2 days, without points attribution (both correct and wrong answer will give 0 points). If the subscriber does not get charged for the next 8 days continuously, the system will automatically suspend the subscription on the club.

On renewal, if a Quiz Factory subscriber does not get charge, he will be able to play 2 questions, for the period of 30 days, without points attribution (both correct and wrong answer will give 0 points). If the subscriber does not get charged for the next 30 days continuously, the system will automatically suspend the subscription on the club.

If a Quiz Factory subscriber wants to unsubscribe from this contest then it can be done by Or dialing 155223 (toll-free) or send STOP to 155223 (toll-free), from his Aircel mobile phone.

A subscriber can subscribe and unsubscribe to Quiz Factory multiple times- i.e. if he/she unsubscribes from the Quiz Factory, he/she can subscribe again, at any time, if he/she wishes to do so.

The subscription activation and deactivation can take a maximum time of 4 hours to be processed.

2. Contest Mechanics :
Customers are charged for the Quiz Factory product @ Rs.5/day, Rs.30/7days day or Rs.75/30days, wherein they will get SMS alerts, wallpapers and text contents for the product, the contest is given on top free to subscribers of this product.

Quiz Factory is a quiz based contest. For the participants that decide to continue in order to win Prizes, the quiz system will ask a question with 2 alternative answers (one answer is correct and the other is wrong). The participant can answer the question by sending an SMS with the answer (which will be a numerical answer 1 or 2) to the Voice Short Code 58466, by pressing 1 or 2 while dialing 58466 or by choosing hypotheses 1 or 2 through the link m.quizfactory.net.

Consequently when the participant answers a question, he/she receives the next question, and so on.

Costumer points’ counter may take 24h to be fully updated.

For any clarification needed, Customers may send an email to support.qf@timwe.com, queries will be answered within 48h from Monday to Friday.

Terms & Conditions :

1. The Contest “Aircel Quiz Factory” (Hereinafter Referred To As ‘Activity’) Is Open To All Aircel Subscribers Who Are Citizens Of India, As Described In The Citizen Act, 1955 And Detailed In Annex 1 To These Terms &Amp; Conditions, And Above 18 Years Of Age Using Aircel Pre-Paid/Postpaid Connection And Is Subscribing/Renewing To Aircel “Aircel Quiz Factory” Product (“Participant”).

2. This Document Is An Electronic Record In Terms Of The Information Technology Act, 2000 And The Amended Provisions Pertaining To Electronic Records In Various Statutes As Amended By The Information Technology Act, 2000. This Electronic Record Is Generated By A Computer System And Does Not Require Any Physical Or Digital Signatures.

3. These Terms And Conditions Contained Herein Govern The Terms Of Participation In The Activity. Participants Entering The Said Activity Shall Be Deemed To Have Accepted These Terms And Conditions.

4. This is a limited period Activity. The Activity would start on26th July, 2015 at 00:00:01 hrs and end on 23rd October, 2015 at 23:59:59 hrs (“tenure of Activity”).

5. The Activity requires the Participants to answer the posted questions. The Participant would get points for each correct answer. The winner will be selected on the basis of maximum number points collected.

6. Gratification :
a) Daily Prize: One participant, who earns the highest scores during the day across Aircel circles, will win a TV and Cash Recharge to top 2 users of each circle worth 100 INR.

b) Weekly Prize: One participant who has the highest score during the week (Sunday 00:00:00 to Saturday 23:59:59 across Aircel circles) will be eligible to win a Motorcycle.

c) Monthly Prize: One participant who has the highest score during the month (30 previous days before August 24; September 23 & October 23 across Aircel circles) will be eligible to win a Hyundai i20.

d) Mega Prize: One participant, who has the highest score at the end of contest, will be eligible to win a Hyundai Creta.

7. In case the MSISDN is a business line, then the person must present an authorization from the business in order to collect the prize

8. The same subscriber’s number (MSISDN) can win only 1 type of each Prize as long as scores the highest points in the defined period.

9. If a winner is a minor, his guardian will receive the prize on his behalf.

10. The Winners will be informed through a call/message on the Winner’s mobile number or any other communicable address available with Timwe India Pvt. Ltd. (“Timwe”).

11. Timwe/Aircel, or its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, and employees shall not be responsible or liable for non-receipt of call/message. If the winner is not contactable on mobile number

or other communicable address including email and no revert from the winner is received within seven (7) days after first attempted notification, Timwe shall be entitled to give the prize to the next available winner and the original winner’s entitlement to the prize will lapse without any recourse to Aircel or Timwe. Timwe/Aircel offers no guarantee or warranty in relation to opportunity to win this Activity. All decisions of Timwe/Aircel in relation to Activity shall be final and binding upon participants.

12. Participant(s) who breach the terms, in any manner, shall be disqualified from the Activity and Timwe /Aircel may take legal action against them.

13. Timwe and Aircel shall reserve the right to use all data, material etc. received from participants as part of this Activity as it may deem fit.

14. Timwe and Aircel expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Timwe/Aircel shall not be responsible for sub-standard quality or any defects of any nature in the Prize/product supplied by manufacturers, including any damages done in transit. Any claim in respect of any product is a subject matter of the product manufacturer and all enquiries for warranty / defect related claims or disputes shall be directly settled between the Winner and the manufacturer.

15. Aircel Limited/Dishnet Wireless Limited/Aircel Cellular Limited (hereinafter individually referred to as ‘Aircel’) shall in no way be liable for inability of the winner to use the Aircel recharge coupon/postpaid bill adjustment on any other access providers’ network except that of Aircel connection. The terms of use of the Aircel network shall also be binding on the winner over and above the terms of this Activity and the Aircel recharge coupon card/postpaid bill adjustment. Please visit aircel.com for terms of use of the Aircel network. AIRCEL IS ALSO A MERE INTERMEDIARY CARRYING THE CONTENT OF TIMWE ON ITS NETWORK ON ‘AS IS WHERE IS’ BASIS.

16. Notwithstanding anything stated herein, Timwe /Aircel reserves the right to stop the Activity at any time and/or change, modifies, withdraw, or extend the Activity without any prior notice and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. Timwe /Aircel reserves the right to withdraw/change / modify the content and terms and conditions at its own discretion and without any prior notice and / or assigning any reason.

17. The winners will be mandatorily required to submit his/her full name, contact number, complete residential address, email id, self-attested copy of PAN CARD (Front & Back Page) or other ID proof, age proof or any other document as required by Timwe /Aircel.

18. Winner has to submit his/her relevant documents within thirty (30) days of publication/communication of his name as a winner in the Activity, else the gratifications will be declared as null and void, and Timwe /Aircel reserves its right to give the prize to the next available/selected winner.

19. The selection of the type of prize will be determined at the sole discretion of Timwe/Audit Agency. Prizes cannot be substituted for other articles or gifts or cash by the winner. Any expenditure with regards to delivery and/or enjoyment of prize will be the responsibility of the winner. All applicable government taxes/duties if any on prizes are to be borne by the winners.

20. Daily Winner is eligible to win only weekly, monthly and mega prizes during the contest.

21. Weekly Winner is eligible to win only daily, monthly and mega prizes during the contest.

22. Monthly Winner is eligible to win only daily, weekly and mega prizes during the contest.

23. In case, winner background verification is negative, the prize will be given to next person with highest points, same will be applicable, if winners refuse to pay taxes on the prize.

24. Periodicity of the announcement of winners will be on Weekly basis. Daily winners will be announced on 7th day and weekly winner to be announced on 8th day.

25. No correspondence shall be entertained with regard to the Activity.

26. The employees of Timwe / Aircel or any associated companies including distributors, franchisees, vendors and members of their immediate family will not be eligible to participate in the Activity.

27. Timwe /Aircel shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that occurs to any Participant or any of their designated nominee(s) due to participation into this Activity.

28. The Participants expressly agree and acknowledge that all information submitted by him/her, is true, current and complete.

29. Timwe /Aircel at its own discretion can accept or reject any entries of Participant or winner selection and no objection in this regard shall be entertained including but not limited to non-compliance/failure of terms hereof, or lack of complete address and other details of Participants as requested, etc., and Timwe /Aircel reserves its right to give the prize to the next available/selected winner.

30. Activity shall be subject to the laws of India.

This post was last modified on February 19, 2021 5:58 PM

Categories: Aircel

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