Organization : Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy
Competition Name : Prime Minister’s Silver Cup Essay Competition 2014-15
Applicable For : All Serving Police Officers/Men
Applicable States/UT : All India
Competition Last Date : 10th October 2015
Website :
Competition Rules:
Prime Minister’s Silver Cup Essay Competition 2015:
The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy will hold an All India Annual Essay Competition for the award of the Prime Minister’s Silver Cup.
Related / Similar Competition : SVPNPA Prime Minister’s Silver Cup Essay Competition 2021
The Prime Minister’s Silver Cup shall be awarded for the best essay.
The topic for the Essay for the year 20I4 shall be:
“Emergence of Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities for the Law Enforcement Agencies”
The Competition shall be held annually and shall be open to all serving police officers/men of India including those serving in Central Police Organizations in India and abroad provided that an officer who has won the first prize for two successive years shall be debarred from taking part in the Competition for a periOd of three years sat a stretch following the year in which the first prize was annexed by him for the second time.
The Committee of the Competition shall consist of the following members to be invited by the Director of SVP National Police Academy:
a. An eminentjurist.
b. An eminent educationist.
c An eminentjournalist/public man.
d.One serving Inspector General of Police.
e. A nominee of the Prime Minister‘s Office
f. The Director SVP National Police Academy Hyderabad (Convener)
Any question as to the eligibility of any Competitor shall be determined by the Committee of the Competition.
a. Essays must be submitted in ENGLISH.
b. Essays must be the original work of the Competitor.
c Essays must not be more than 3500 words in length, must be type written (with double spacing, Font — Times Roman, Size-12) on only one side of the paper with 1.5 inches margin space on the left hand side and number of words used should be mentioned on each copy of the essay. Seven hard copies of the essay along with a soft copy of the same must be submitted for the competition. Softcopy should be e-mailed to with a copy to
d. The pages must be serially numbered and securely stapled or clipped together.
e. Where a reference is made to any published work. the title and the page number must be quoted in a foot-note.
7. Essays must be submitted by Registered post (or Courier) and E—mail. A letter containing details about the author‘s name, rank and the official address should also be submitted along with the essay.
8. The Committee reserves the rights to disqualify any entry, which fails to conform to these rules. If any default comes to the notice of the Committee after prize has been awarded, the Committee reserves the right to take such action against the defaulter as may deem fit.
9. The essays will be initially submitted to the Director General of Police/Head of Central Police Organization concerned. After due screening at the State/Central Police Organization level, the Director General of Police/Head of the Central Police Organization willforward not more than three essays to the Convener of the Committee of the Competition for final selection of the best essay.
10. The decision of the Committee shall be final. Any essay submitted for the competition and adjudged of sufficient merit and the prize-winning essay may be published by the Director of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy and the copy right for such published essays shall vest in he Director. The essays not accepted will not be returned to the competitors.
11. Besides the Silver Cup, which will be returned to the SVP National Police Academy. the Officer adjudged to have written the best essay will be given a prize money of Rs. l0,000/— and a replica of the Silver Cup. The essays considered next in order of merit will be awarded Rs. 6,000/- and Rs. 4,000/- respectively, along with medals and certificates of distinction. The Cup and the First Prize will be awarded on the occasion of the Annual Passing Out Parade at the Academy.
12. The essays shall be addressed by:
The Director General of Police/Head of Central Police organizations to the Director,
SVP National Police Academy,
Hyderabad 3500 052
So as to reach on or before October 10, 2015
This post was last modified on May 27, 2021 10:51 AM