Techgig Beginner Code Champ Challenge 2017

Organisation : Techgig
Competition Name : Beginner Code Champ Challenge 2017
Application Last Date : 31 Jul 2017
Applicable For : Talented and Creative Minds
Prize : Rs. 10,000
Contest Details :
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Beginner Code Champ Challenge :

We are conducting a marathon competitive programming challenge Beginner Code Champ starting from 16th June 2017.

Related / Similar Contest : TechGig Geek Goddess 2023 Coding Contest

The objective of Beginner Code Champ is to challenge the talented and creative minds in competitive programming with some interesting algorithmic problems.

Prize Details :
First Prize: Rs. 10,000
Second Prize: Rs. 5,000
Third Prize: Rs. 3,000
Top 10 will also win Rs. 500
Prizes will be E-Vouchers of Amazon

Challenge Rules :
** There will be only 1 coding problem.
** Candidates can participate for a maximum of 5 times. Only your best score counts!
** You will be able to access the problem statement once you click the “Solve Problem” button.
** The Problem Statement page has a Live Coding Environment where you can code and compile your code.
** Once you are done writing your code, a default test case will be used to check your code.
** In case your session expires before finishing the test, you can re-take the test.
** Your test will resume from where you left off, and the total time will reduce by the duration of your previous attempt.
** Winners of the contest will be chosen solely on the discretion.
** Please ensure to update your profile and contact details.
** In order to claim your prizes, your TechGig profile must be completed more than 70%

Are there specific instructions provided before I attempt the question?
Yes, an instruction page will appear before you begin to attempt the question. Please read the instructions carefully before continuing with the question.

Will I see my score immediately?
Yes, once you submit the code; you will see the score on the result page.

Can I get to see which of my test cases were incorrect in the TechGig coding contest?
We do not disclose the detailed results of the challenge. Only the marks you accumulate in each question are shared

My code runs perfectly on local system but it is giving error on TechGig platform. Why?
Please use given input/output types, functions as asked in the Coding problem description. Also follow the input/output specification and check the variable type to ensure that your code run fine on our platform.

I was attempting a coding problem and was about to submit but the timer got over. Can I get time extension to submit my code?
No additional time will be provided. Every coding question has a stipulated time in which you have to complete and submit your solution.

I was attempting a coding problem, but due to some unavoidable reason, I have to close the system/browser. Can I come back later and complete the coding problem?
Yes, you can come back later and re-attempt the problem. The timer will continue from the time where you have left. Your attempt will be deducted only if you submit your code or if the timer gets over.

I was attempting a coding problem, but suddenly my system/browser crashed and I need to restart. When I logged in to TechGig and re-attempted my coding problem, I didn’t see the code which I had written so far before. Is there any way I can recover my lost code?
No, you need to restart from the scratch. We only save the solution on submission.

I cannot enter my full e-mail id in the login box, what should I do?
The login box accepts email id as long as 200 characters. If you continue to face an issue, then please clear your browser cache

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:03 PM

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