VIPS 4th International Law Moot Court Competition 2017 : Vivekananda Institute Of Professional Studies

Organisation : Vivekananda Institute Of Professional Studies
Competition Name : 4th International Law Moot Court Competition 2017
Application Last Date : 15th August, 2017
Event Date : 13th-15th October, 2017
Applicable For : Bona fide Regular Students
Prize : Cash award Rs. 50,000/
Contest Details :
Home Page :

4th Law Moot Court Competition :

** The Competition is open to all bona fide regular students enrolled in any undergraduate law course or its equivalent in any University or Institute within or outside India recognized by the Bar Council or State Government or Central Government as the case may be.

Related : KIIT University 5th National Moot Court Competition 2017 :

** Each team shall comprise three members i.e. two speakers and one researcher.
** A team may also be comprised of two members i.e. two speakers only.
** The composition of the team shall not be changed once a team has registered under any circumstances whatsoever.
** The members of the team must be designated as either ‘Speaker’ or ‘Researcher’ and such designation shall be conveyed to the Administrators at the time of registration.
** No researcher under any circumstances shall be allowed to present any arguments during the Oral Rounds.

** Changes in the aforementioned designations shall not be made without a request by the responsible Faculty in Charge or Head of the Institution or Department of the Team seeking such change, as the case may be.

** The discretion to allow or disallow such change shall solely rest with the administrators depending upon the reasonability of the cause shown, stage of the Competition and compliance with the aforementioned rules.

** No additional member or team coach besides the three or two members, as the case may be, as referred to in Rule 3.2 shall be recognized as a participant and be allowed to attend the Oral Rounds.

Registration :
Interested teams are required to register by sending the following information latest by 15th August, 2017 through e-mail with the subject “Registration- 4th VIPS IMC 2017” at
i. Name of the Institution or University
ii. Correspondence of Institution or University

iii. Details of Participants:
Speaker 1: Full Name, Contact, E-mail
Speaker 2: Full Name, Contact, E-mail
Researcher(If any): Full Name, Contact, E-mail
iv. Duly filed Registration Form

Registration Fee:
Rs 5000/-for each participating team consisting of 3 or 2 members, to be submitted through Demand Draft or Cheque.

The teams for registration are required to send a scanned copy of the Registration Form (PDF Format only) duly signed and sealed by the Head of the Institution or Department along with the scanned copy of Demand Draft or Cheque drawn in favour of “Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies Law School” latest by 15th August, 2017 on

The teams are required to send the hard copies of the registration form along payment by way of Demand Draft/Cheque via post or by hand to the Administrators latest by 20th August, 2017 on the following correspondence
The Dean,
4th VIPS IMC 2017
Advocates’ Legion
Vivekananda Law School
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies,
AU Block,Pitampura, New Delhi, India – 110034.

Phone: +91 (11) 27343401, 27343402, 27343403
Phone: Dr. Deepti Kohli (Faculty Convenor): +91- 9899710439

The receipt of hard copies of Registration Form along with the payment to the aforementioned address only shall confirm the participation of a team in the competition. An acknowledgment of the receipt of required documents as per Rule 4.3 shall be mailed to the respective Team Members and concerned Faculty along with Team Code Number.

Communication with any one of the Team Members shall be deemed to be communication to the entire team for the purposes of this Competition.

The administrators shall not be responsible for any error or discrepancies in the details provided under Rule 4.1 and the Registration Form, in which case the details given in the latter shall prevail.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:06 PM

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