Archasm Paris Riverside Restaurant Competition 2017

Organisation : Archasm
Competition Name : Paris Riverside Restaurant Competition 2017
Application Last Date : 30th September 2017
Prize : INR 1,00,000/- + Certificate
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Paris Riverside Restaurant Competition :

Paris and the entire country of France is world-famous for its cuisine, with a non-exhaustive list of delicacies and culinary systems. The culinary reputation of Paris is very rich, cultured and diverse.

Related : Desire Designing Furniture Design Competition 2017 :

French food culture, according to UNESCO, is important for ‘bringing people together to enjoy the art of good eating and drinking’ and the power to create ‘togetherness, the pleasure of taste, and the balance between human beings and the products of nature’.

The first Parisian restaurant was founded by Beauvilliers in 1782 in the Rue de Richelieu, called the Grande Taverne de Londres. He introduced the novelty of listing the dishes available on a menu and serving them at small individual tables.”

Following the revolution, the abolition of the guild system made it easier to open restaurants. Also, since so many aristocrats fled or were executed, their former cooks and servants found new employment and Paris became the center of the new restaurant scene, which, to some degree, it remains today.

The aim of this architecture competition is to design a new 21st century restaurant and wine bar on the promenade along the River Seine in Paris. The restaurant should be unique and innovative in all respects and should invent new ways to provide an overall sensory experience to the customers.

The restaurant should experiment with unique materials, volumetric compositions layout systems and other transitional spaces to make it a new prototype and exemplary typology that will become an active gastronomical hub in the heart of the French capital.

The participants should:
Create an architectural icon along the River Seine, that will become a popular destination for the residents and everyone who visits the city. Create an experience within a restaurant shell that adds to the programmed interior space. Maximize the use of the waterfront context and the promenade into the architectural concept for the restaurant.

Schedule :
Start of Competition and Early Registration: 1st July 2017
Early Registration ends: 31st August 2017
Standard Registration starts: 1st September 2017
Last Date for Questions: 10th September 2017
Standard Registration ends: 30th September 2017
Closing day for Submissions 30th September 2017
Announcement of Winners: 24th October 2017
Note: All Last Dates are 11:59 pm – 00:00 IST (India).

Awards :
Winning participants will receive prizes totaling INR 2,00,000 with the distribution as follows:
First prize- INR 1,00,000/- + Certificate
Second prize- INR 60,000/- + Certificate
Third prize- INR 40,000/- + Certificate
10 Honorable mentions

Winners and honorable mentions will be published on archasm’s website and several international architecture magazines and websites partnered by us.

Registration :
Early Registration:
From 1st July 2017 to 31st August 2017
For Indian nationals- INR 1500 (per team)
For Foreign nationals- EUR 60 (per team)

Standard Registration:
From 1st September 2017 to 30th September 2017
For Indian nationals- INR 1800 (per team)
For Foreign nationals- EUR 80 (per team)

Entrants may register by filling the registration form and submitting it with the appropriate payment through our secure gateway on our website

Discount :
Group discounts apply for a minimum of 5 teams from one particular architecture school/university as our initiative to promote more participation from students.

Send us the following details at to avail the offer.
** Names of all the participating teams members and their respective team leaders.
** Name of the university.
** School ID proofs of the team leaders.

It will not be possible to amend or update any information relating to your registration including the names of team members once validated.

Queries And Questions :
In case you still have questions related to the briefs and the competition, please send them to queries [AT] with ‘FAQ’ subject until 10th September, 2017. We highly recommend our participants to check the FAQ section on the website as this will provide additional vital information from time to time. All queries regarding registration process, fees or payment should be sent on the same email address with ‘ENQUIRY’ as the subject.

This post was last modified on May 11, 2022 11:38 AM

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