MSRCL 7th M. S. Ramaiah Memorial National Moot Court Competition

Organisation : Ramaiah College of Law
Competition Name : 7th M. S. Ramaiah Memorial National Moot Court Competition
Application Last Date : 25th July, 2017
Competition Date : 8th -10th September, 2017
Applicable For : Students Presently Pursuing LL.B
Prize : 25,000/- and a Winning Trophy
Location : Bengaluru

Invitation :
Rules And Registration Form :
Competition Page :
Home Page :

National Moot Court Competition :

All law schools, faculties of law and other institutions recognized by the Bar Council of India, offering a law degree are eligible to participate in the Competition.

Related : VIPS 4th International Law Moot Court Competition 2017 :

Only one team is allowed to participate from each law school/ faculties of law/ other institutions. Only students presently pursuing LL.B (5 years or 3 years course) are eligible for participation.

Team members should be bonafide students of the Institution they are representing. The Organizer(s) shall make any inquiries on the same at any time during the Competition. Teams must carry college identity card / Bonafide Certificate.

A team must be composed of a minimum of 2 members and maximum of 3 members i.e., 2 speakers and 1 researcher. Any two members of the team may be enlisted / registered as speakers.

Only registered / enlisted speakers shall be permitted to plead in the oral rounds. However, only in the event of unavoidable circumstances, the researcher will be, subject to the discretion of the Organizer(s) permitted to plead in the oral rounds.

Each team will be provided a team code by the Organizers. Teams should not disclose the identity of their institution; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the Organizer(s).

Registration :
7th M.S. Ramaiah Memorial National Moot Court Competition has decided a cap of 32 teams for the National Level. The teams will be registered on first cum first serve basis with reference to the submission of the registration form and DD (Soft Copies).

The teams must register themselves by sending a duly filled Registration Form along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 4,500/- (Rupees four thousand Five Hundred) drawn in favour of “The Principal, M. S. Ramaiah College of Law” payable at Bengaluru.

On receiving the communication requiring the conformation of participation. The teams should send the hard copies of the registration form and the Demand Draft by post/courier to the address of the Administrator.

The registration fee includes accommodation of the participants. The participants who do not need accommodation are required to pay 3500/- by way of Demand Draft in favour ‘Principal, M. S. Ramaiah College of Law’ payable at Bengaluru

Once registered, the concerned registration fee would neither be refunded nor waived.

All updates will be communicated to the contact person as mentioned in the registration form. It is the responsibility of the contact person to distribute and communicate any contingent updates to the team.

Preliminary Rounds :
Each Team shall argue twice in the Preliminary Round, once for Petitioner / Appellant and once for Respondent. In the Preliminary Round, each round will be judged by a Bench comprising of 2 Judges.

Oral Arguments: Each Preliminary Round shall consist of 40 minutes of arguments. The Petitioner shall be allocated a total time of 20 minutes and the Respondent shall be allocated a total time of 20 minutes. The arguments shall be in English. Each Team shall allocate the 20 minutes among its 2 speakers. Each speaker must be allocated a minimum of 7 minutes.

The total marks scored by a Team in the Preliminary Round will be the aggregate scores of the two rounds, i.e. marks scored as Petitioner / Appellant, marks scored as Respondent and the memorial scores for both the sides.

Awards :
The winner of the Final Round will be declared the “Winning Team” and shall be awarded a cash prize of 25,000/- and a winning trophy.

The other Team which loses the Final Round will be declared as “Runner-up Team” and will be awarded a cash prize of 20,000/- and a runner-up trophy. The Best Memorial will be awarded a cash prize of 5,000/- and trophy

The “Best Speaker” shall be determined on the basis of the points secured in the Oral Arguments during the Preliminary Round. Only those speakers will be eligible for the “Best Speaker”, who will argue for both the sides in the Preliminary Round.

The Best speaker, on the basis of the aforesaid criteria will be awarded a cash prize of 5,000/- and trophy. The “Best Researcher” will be adjudged on the basis of test conducted. He/she shall be awarded a cash prize of 5000/- and trophy.

This post was last modified on March 2, 2022 12:29 PM

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