halla.in Perfect Pets Photography Contest 2017

Organisation : halla.in
Contest Name : Perfect Pets Photography Contest 2017
Application Last Date : 5 August 2017
Prize : T-shirts and Mugs
Submit Here : https://halla.in/
Contest Details : https://halla.in/
Website : http://iidff.deafleadersindia.org/index.html

Perfect Pets Photography Contest :

** Your Pet could be winner of our PETS photography contest.
** To enter in the contest submit picture of you with your dog or cat.

Related : New Town Kolkata Photography Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/24441.html

** You can also submit picture of your pet licking your kid’s face or photos of your cat.
** 2 Winners will get T-shirts and Mugs on which your entry image will be printed along with your name.
** The more you share your entries, the more votes you will get.
** You can post your entry to your Facebook, Twitter with a voting link.
** Submit a great picture of your cute pet and win amazing prize.
** Login with your Facebook, Google or Twitter profile and upload photos in this contest.
** You can also use Halla’s free Android & iOS mobile app to participate in contest.
** 1 User can submit only 1 photo.
** Last date to submit your photo is 5 August 2017.

Rules :
** Upload your best photo. 1 User can submit only 1 Photo.
** The photo must be in JPG format, at a maximum size of 4000 × 3000 pixels.
** The file size should not exceed 8 MB.
** No Entry Fee
** Winners selected by Judges based on creativity, originality, and in accordance to the theme of the contest.
** Submit photos captured by you only.
** You always maintain the rights to your submissions.
** By entering the contest you accept the terms of use.

sponser :
Stop searching through the websites, travel portals, consulting friends or googling. Snaplee app helps you to have a visual treat of unknown places and comments from other travelers.

What is Halla.in ?
Halla.in Is a place for people to share their hidden talent, emotions and light hearted moments with others. The portal gives a platform through various contests to showcase the hidden talent and delight the community.

Why are contests at Halla.in?
Halla.in creates various contests based on major events, festivals, locations, seasons etc.. Some of the contests are general and some are specially designed by the sponsors related to their product or service. The single objective of contests is to invite participation, sharing and entertainment.

What are the gifts and who provides the contest gifts ?
The contest gifts are provided by the sponsors of the contest.

How the Contest winners are chosen ?
The contests are conducted in two different formats, based on the choice of sponsors. The winners are chosen either through the popular vote or through judgment panel.

When and how are contest gifts given ?
Contest gifts are sent to mailing address of the winners within 2 weeks of contest results.

How are contest votes counted ?
The contest votes are counted through the Faebook likes, Twitter #tags and direct votes.

Can I sponsor a contest ?
Yes, if you are an event organizer, product or service provider or merchant with a light hearted idea, you can sponsor a contest at halla.in. You can email – info[AT]halla.in for further info.

This post was last modified on February 28, 2022 1:12 PM

Tags: halla.in
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