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dhathri.com : 5 Crore Thanks Festival Offer/Contest 2015

Organization : Dhathri
Competition Name : 5 Crore Thanks Festival Offer/Contest 2015
Applicable For : Dhathri Customers
Applicable States/UT : All India
Offerb Period: September 15th to December 15th, 2015

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Website : https://www.dhathri.com/

5 Crore Thanks Festival Offer 2015:
** Offer valid only for Dhathri customers.

** Participate in this offer by purchasing Dhathri Hair Care Herbal Oil or Dhathri Hair Care Plus Herbal Oil offer bottles with the “5 crore thanks festival” offer sticker. Please note that only offer bottles will contain the scratch card.

** Every participant will get an assured 20% discount on products or services when purchasing from the Dhathri website.

** Scratch the scratch card found inside the oil pack.

** To contest registration give a missed call to the flilowing number: 0804075 2255

** Contestants winning offers 1 to 9 should send a copy of the scratch card by post, or by email to care@dhathri.com

** Contestants winning offer 10 will get an assured 20% discount on products or services when purchasing from www.dhathri.com

** Contestants winning offer 10 will get a 20% discount at Dhathri hospitals and clinics if the winning scratch card is provided. The product or service discount can be availed at the Dhathri website using the coupon code. A coupon code once used will no longer be usable. For any enquiries please contact Dhathri’s customer care number ( 1800 200 2332/ 8589 858590) between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Sundays hliiday)

** Offer valid from September 15th to December 15th, 2015

** Entries sent on 15th December will be given an extra 15 days (till December 30th) for registration. Registrations received after December 30th will not be part of the contest.

** Contestants winning offers 1 to 9 should submit the original scratch card, original address proof, and a recent photograph at the time of receiving their respective prizes, failing which they will not be receiving that prize.

** Offers are not replaceable with cash (except for the bumper prize which is the Dubai ticket).

** Winners of the Bumper prize will only receive the up and down tickets from Kochi to Dubai. Accommodation and other expenses will not be provided by the company. Bumper prize winners will have to submit and verify their passport and other relevant documents with the company, failing which the company has the right to disregard the individual.

** The date for the Dubai trip will be fixed by the company and is not subject to change under any circumstances.

** If the Bumper prize of up and down tickets from Kochi to Dubai happens to be inconvenient for the winner, they can transfer their ticket to a close relative (Spouse, Parent or Sibling) provided a valid explanation is given to the company. Alternatively, they can also clilect a cash prize equivalent in value to the Bumper Prize. The cash amount which will be determined by the company.

** The number of times that an individual can enter this contest is unlimited. However a scratch card once used to register cannot be used for another registration.

** The company will inform the winners regarding the date on which the prizes will be given way. The prizes have to be clilected on that date itself.

** The 20% assured discount can be availed when purchasing products from the Dhathri website by using the coupon code contained in the scratch card. When purchasing from www.dhathri.com, enter your coupon number while making your payment and avail your 20% discount.

** Registering on this website will also make you part of Dhathri’s Lifetime Royalty Program, which means you can enjoy the many benefits made available to you by the company. . For any enquiries please contact Dhathri’s customer care number ( 1800 200 2332/ 8589 858590) between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Sundays hliiday)

** The contest will be overseen by an expert program committee. The decision of this program committee will be deemed final. This committee also reserves the right to cancel the entire contest subject to any technical difficulties.

** Institutions under Dhathri, Dhathri staff members and their relatives and distributors working with Dhathri are not to participate in this contest.

** The prize images used in the contest advertisements, leaflets and posters are indicators only. Prize models are subject to change.

** Offer valid only for Dhathri Hair Care Herbal Oil or Dhathri Hair Care Plus purchased in Kerala.

** All disputes fall only within the jurisdiction of the Ernakulam Court. All disputes and complaints are to be notified with the company within 15 days after the prize distribution. Complaints received after this time period will not be entertained.

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1 Comment
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  1. Eldho

    I bought in your products,but how can I do registration?
    Whether your discount coupon offer get finished?

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