d2dchennaimarathon.com D2D Dusk to Dawn Chennai Night Marathon 2015 : Round Table India

Organisation : Round Table India
Announcement : D2D Dusk to Dawn Chennai Night Marathon 2015

Related :
LYLF Night Marathon Chennai 2015 : www.contest.net.in/2464.html

The ‘Dusk to Dawn Chennai Night Marathon 2015’

The ‘Dusk to Dawn Chennai Night Marathon 2015’ will be held on Saturday, 28th November 2015. D2D Team and Round Table India along with Area 2 will be conducting the Dusk to Dawn Chennai Night Marathon this year.

Last Date : 18th November 2015

D2D Chennai Night marathon 2015 primary object is to create awareness on educating underprivileged children. D2D is an initiative by like minded souls who have come forward to bring awareness on the worthy causes and to raise funds mainly for the underprivileged children through the event of D2D. D2D has also inspired many runners to run for a cause at different times for the underprivileged children and many charitable organizations. Through running and cycling activities, D2D has found numberless ways to help the less privileged children and has inspired thousands of veteran and first-time runners to run for a cause.

This year D2D team and Round Table India will be raising funds for educating the underprivileged children through Freedom Through Education Project of Round Table India. Round Table India’s objective is to Provide quality education and infrastructure to the underprivileged by mobilizing resources in partnership with leading organisations and benevolent citizens of India.

ROUND TABLE INDIA – An organization of non-political and non-sectarian young men between the age group of 18-40 Years. Round Table India’s aim is to promote service, fellowship and goodwill in National and International affairs. Since 1997 Round Table India Under Freedom Through Education has built 5108 Classrooms in 1811 Schools at a total outlay of 152.54 Crores impacting 5.62 million Children and the numbers are still ticking every day. There are totally around 275 Tables all over India dedicated to this noble cause. Round Table India Highest Per Capita contribution to Society – more than Rs. 50000/- per member.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India visited Chennai to inaugurate 55 classroom blocks that were constructed by Round Table India. Round Table India is a ZERO Overhead Association. The other dignitaries who stand by Round Table India in their long term efforts include celebrities Ehsaan Noorani, Mrs. Gauri Khan, Mr. R.Madhavan, Mr. Ajay Devagan, Ms. Kajol, Mr. Arvind Swami, Mr. Harris Jayaraj and many others all over India.

CHENNAI RUNNERS, DREAM RUNNERS AND COOL RUNNERS – Our Running partners, raising awareness to stay fit and healthy, they have always shown great support and have been a pillar of support for D2D’s success every year in all its endeavours towards raising funds for underprivileged children.

D2D has been associating with Chennai Runners, Dream Runners and Cool Runners since its inception in 2012. The entire community has shown large support to the event and these are highly motivating and enthusiastic running groups creating awareness to stay healthy through the sport of running.

These running groups have motivated and inspired thousands of good souls to keep fit and healthy!!

Blessed to be a part of them and proud to be a Chennai Runner!!

TAMIL NADU CYCLING CLUB (TCC) – Our Cycling Partner is the largest cycling club in India with over 7,300 members on its Facebook page. In line with its vision, TCC promotes cycling across all walks of life and encourages cycling for good health, for green environment and as a sport. Annually, TCC conducts 30+ cycling events over six categories (Recreation, Endurance, Cyclogy, Touring, Adventure and Competitive) including its flagship event “Tour of Tamilnadu”.

TCC is proud to be associated with Neville’s D2D event since its inception in 2012 and is an honour to be part of the impeccable growth and popularity of this great initiative and cycling for a charitable cause. TCC, in co-operation and support from the entire cycling community, has successfully conducted the events over years keeping safety as the top most priority and the motto being “No Helmet No Ride”

D2D is honored to have TCC who play an active part to promote the vision of D2D.

CLEAN CHENNAI CAMPAIGN (CCC) – A clean city is the first step to moving towards healthy living practices in alignment with the objectives of D2D marathon. We are also happy to associate with CCC campaign to bring awareness to the people of Chennai through the D2D event to keep our city clean and lead a healthy life.
Clean Chennai is an initiative to catalyse a city-wide shift in citizens’ attitudes towards solid waste – ownership, treatment, and management. The aim is to engage the active support of all stakeholders – residents, commercial establishments, institutions and all others – to manage waste in an ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable manner. The message is simple. Do not litter. Put waste where it belongs. In the right bins and at the right time.

You can follow us at facebook.com/d2dmarathon Do register at d2dchennaimarathon.com/

Event Information :


DATE: Saturday, 28th November 2015
VENUE: Island Grounds, Anna Salai Mount Road, Park Town, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600003.
CATEGORIES: 21 Km / 10 Km / 5 Km / 3 Km
FLAG-OFF TIME: The flag-off of Dusk to Dawn Chennai Night Marathon will take place at 10:00 pm onwards in the following order:
21 Km
10 Km
5 Km
3 Km

ROUTING: Will be informed through mailer to registered participants getting closer to the event.
DELIVERABLES: The registered participants will receive the following upon registering:
At the Bib distribution centre:
Bib Number
Timing Chip * Subject to logistics
Kit Bag

After completing the event:
Finisher Medal
Completion Certificate *We will provide you the link to download your Completion certificate post completion of the event.

Group / Corporate registrations / Schools: Citation for first 3 places for maximum registrations from Group / Corporate registrations / Schools

Last date for Registration: The last date for registration Wednesday, 18th November 2015. Please register at the earliest as this will help our team to arrange for logistics and other arrangements at the venue.

BIB DISTRIBUTION: The Bib distribution venue and date will be informed soon to all participants by email and SMS.
DATE: Saturday, 28th November 2015
VENUE: Island Grounds, Anna Salai Mount Road, Park Town, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600003.
CATEGORIES: 25 Km / 50 Km / 100 Km / 100 plus Km
FLAG-OFF TIME: The flag-off of Dusk to Dawn Chennai Night Marathon will take place at 3.00 pm
ROUTING: Will be informed through mailer to registered participants getting closer to the event.
DELIVERABLES: The registered participants will receive the following upon registering:

At the Bib distribution centre:
Bib Number
Timing Chip * Subject to logistics
Kit Bag

After completing the event:
Finisher Medal
Completion Certificate *We will provide you the link to download your Completion certificate post completion of the event.


GROUP / CORPORATE REGISTRATIONS / SCHOOLS: Citation for first 3 places for maximum registrations from Group / Corporate registrations / Schools

LAST DATE FOR REGISTRATION: The last date for registration Wednesday, 18th November 2015. Please register at the earliest as this will help Tamil Nadu Cycling Club (TCC) to arrange for logistics and other arrangements at the venue and along the route.

BIB DISTRIBUTION: The Bib distribution venue and date will be informed soon to all participants by email and SMS.

This post was last modified on December 30, 2022 2:43 PM

Categories: Marathon

View Comments (3)

    • From the Website :

      The D2D Committee has taken a decision unanimously to postpone the event. We will finalise a fresh date in consultation with authorities like Police, Corporation of Chennai and we shall update you soon on the new date.

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