Muthoot Finance Cochin International Half Marathon 2015

Organisation : Kochi Municipal Corporation
Announcement : Muthoot Finance Cochin International Half Marathon 2015

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Muthoot Finance Cochin International Half Marathon 2015 :
Event Date : 20/December/2015

** You may use a photocopy of the physical or downloaded form from the event website to send in your application.

** Only one applicant can apply for the Event using a single form. Also, do not send in more than one entry per person; multiple applications will entail all being rejected.

** Applicants must submit their entries only via the Application Modes given in this form. No individual/group has been authorised to collect entries on behalf of the Event.

** GROUP ENTRIES will be accepted for all the race categories.

** Before sending in your application, please check the following :
a. Filled in details against all mandatory fields prefixed with ‘*’ in the application form;
b. Attached a copy of your latest colour passport sized photograph on the form;
c. Attached a copy of your Govt. issued Photo ID proof, i.e. either Passport, Driving Licence, Election Card, PAN Card or Aadhaar Card
d. Enclosed the requisite application fees (refer to ‘Application Fees’ chart)
e. Signed the ‘waiver’ in the application form.
f. Applicant meets the minimum age eligibility criteria for the chosen race category.

** Where any discrepancy is found in any of the above mentioned mandatories, your application will not to be accepted.

** On entry confirmation, Half Marathon and 10km runners will be further classified into age categories for prize money. For more information, log on to the event website

** Post close of registrations, e-mail confirmations will be sent to all the confirmed participants who have given their valid e-mail ID in the application form.

** Requests for cancellation and thereby, refund will not be entertained.

** All confirmed participants / their authorised representatives are required to come to the Maharajas College Ground, P.T. Usha Road, Cochin on the 4th, 5th or 6th December 2014, individually to collect their running BIB and timing chip between 11.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. No running BIB and timing chips will be posted to their addresses.

i) In case of unavoidable circumstances, confirmed participants/runners can send his/her representative to collect running number BIB and timing chip on his/her behalf.
ii) Authorised representative must carry with him/her

a. Printout of the e-mail confirmation sent by us / snapshot of the email confirmation on a Smartphone can be shown at the time of bib collection.
b. Signed authority letter from confirmed participant.
c. Photocopy of photo-identity proof (of the representative and the confirmed participant), eg. either Passport, PAN Card, Election Card, Driving Licence or Aadhaar Card.

iii) Outstation participants are required to come to the Maharajas College Ground, P.T. Usha Road, Cochin on 6th December 2014 individually to collect their running BIB and timing chip between 11.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.

** Confirmed participant’s identity and proof of residence may be verified by a verification agency hired for validating the details provided by you in the form.

** Race day images of all Half Marathon and 10 km participants will be screened visually after the race and if any of the participant is found not wearing the running number BIB allotted to him/her, the participant registered for that BIB will be disqualified from the race and the subsequent edition of the event in 2015..

** For information on awards and accolades, log on to

** Please go through all information mentioned in this form prior to submitting your application. Confirmation of applications received will be subject to the applicable qualification criteria and Entry Rules & Guidelines given herein.

** This application form and the right to participate in the event and the rights and benefits available to the applicant under this entry form is at the sole discretion of the Event Promoter – Push Integrated Communications Private Limited and cannot be transferred to any other person under any circumstances. The applicant alone shall be entitled to the rights and benefits arising out of such confirmation of participation.

** Rules for Group Applications:
** 1.Group applications:
** a. Where 20 or more individuals submit their entries together, this will constitute a group entry. All members of a group have to fill and sign individual entry forms. Forms can be downloaded from the event website .
** b. Each group must submit their entries together one time, in a single envelope under a covering letter as per the format available on an official letterhead issued by the company/NGO/ any entity stating:

** Total number of entries enclosed in each race category

** Number, date, amount and bank name of cheque/DD submitted

** Name and contact details of one common point of contact for the group

** Covering letter needs to be on a company/NGO/ any other entity’s official letter head, duly signed and stamped by the authorized signatory of the entity.

** Only one cheque/DD will be accepted for group entries. This cheque/DD should be of the consolidated value of application fees applicable for each individual group member. The cheque/DD should be drawn in favour of Push Integrated Communications Pvt. Ltd.

** Deposit application forms along with requisite application fees and covering letter at our Registration office, Please call our helpline number +91 0484 4060303 (10 am to 6 pm, Monday to Saturday) or email at for submission of forms.

** 21.097km Corporate Challenge (Relay Run):
** 21.097km Corporate Challenge (Relay Run) is open only for registered companies/firms in existence for a minimum period of 1 year from the date of application.

** Each corporate can send up to 5 teams of 3 members in each team (two men and one women).

** Each team member will be required to run a distance of 7.032km. The aggregate finish timing of all 3 runners will decide the team’s finish position in this category.

** Team members need to be permanent full time employees who have been in the company for a minimum of one year. Contractual/outsourced/trainees/interns/deputed employees and/ or employees in probation period will not be allowed to participate.

** Push Integrated Communications Pvt Ltd reserves the right to ask for any documentation that may be required for verification and confirmation of the team at any point in time.

** Push Integrated Communications Pvt Ltd reserves the right to disqualify a corporate team and/or suspend results/prize money of a corporate team, in case of any discrepancy being found in the application/ documents or in the performance of any of the team member on race day, at any point in time.

** A corporate team cannot register for the 21.097km Corporate Challenge (Relay Run) online. Please go through 21.097km Corporate Challenge (Relay Run) rules and regulations and its prize money structure before submitting your entries.

** Documents required for participation in 21.097km Corporate Challenge (Relay Run):
** To field a team, the company needs to fulfil the appended requirement:
** Details of the 3 runners filled in individual application forms.
** Attach copy of runner’s employee ID card or appointment letter with each form.

** Submitted the forms and documents on the letter head of company issued by its H.R. department as per the format available along with a copy of PAN card of company/firm. Where multiple teams are being fielded, forms need to be submitted as per the teams formed.

** Attach a photocopy of runner’s Aadhar card or PAN card or passport along with a passport size photograph with each form.

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