Seven 3 Rockers Aircel I Play I Win Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Seven3Rockers Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Contest Name : I Play I Win Contest 2017
Applicable For : All Prepaid & Postpaid Subscribers of Aircel
Contest Last Date : 16th Aug 2017
Website :

I Play I Win Contest :

The I Play I Win is being organized and hosted by Seven3Rockers Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and is open to all prepaid and post-paid category of Subscribers of Aircel Ltd. and Dishnet Wireless Ltd. residing in India and within the following Aircel telecom service areas Total 18 circles named as RAJ, UPE, JNK, PUN, HIM, APR, ASM, BIH, DEL, KAR, KOL, MAH, MUM, NET, ORI, TAM, CHN, WBL.

Related : Seven3Rockers Aircel IPLAY Iwin Competition 2016 :

Subscription to this I PLAY I WIN Contest is valid from 19th May 2017 [from 00:00:01 hrs] to 16th Aug 2017 [till 23:59:59 hrs](hereinafter referred to as the I PLAY I WIN Contest Period” or “Contest Period”).

The I PLAY I WIN is open for subscription for all active prepaid and post-paid Aircel Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria at the time of participation in the contest

** He/she must be of or above 18 years of age ;
** He/she must be a Citizen of India;
** Subscriber must belong to any one of the Circles mentioned herein above;
** Subscriber must be an active Aircel Subscriber;
** Subscriber must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind; and
** Subscriber must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

An active prepaid and post-paid Subscriber shall mean the Subscriber who uses the Subscriber Identity Module (“SIM”) on a regular basis for purposes other than to participate in contest under this Contest or any other contest offered by Organizer to active Subscribers of Aircel Ltd. and Dishnet Wireless Ltd.

Contest Procedure:
** The Subscriber can participate in the Contest by dialing an IVR short code 51001 (toll free) and by sending SMS to 51001. The 25 questions will be valid for one day only and next day participant will get new set of 25 questions.
** Each question shall have 2 options and the participating Subscriber shall get 2 points for each correct answer, there will be no negative marking. Each incorrect answer will be recorded as 0 points.
** Post answering the 20 questions of that day, participant can also play more questions which will be Pay Per Question (PPQ) based.
** There will be a total of 3600 questions available to Subscriber to play during the Contest Period. Question allotment will be done based on first activation date of participant in this Contest.
** For example, if a participant subscribes on 1st day of Contest Period, then questions allotted will be [180 (3 per day) + 4820 ppq (can be played on any day during Contest Period)].
** If participant subscribes on 31st day of Contest Period, then questions allotted will be [90 (3 per day) + 4910 ppq (can be played on any day during Contest Period)] & so on.
** There will be Surprise days wherein highest scorer (based on winner declaration criteria) of the respective day will get a prize. Same participant cannot win more than one Surprise Day prize in this Contest.
** The information regarding surprise day will be sent to participants, during the Contest Period, via SMS & IVR.
** Subscription charges for the Service are Rs. 3 per day. The charged amount will not be refunded to Participants under any circumstances.
** Participants will be charged Rs. 3 per answer for playing PPQ (pay per question).

All the participants who are active for Contest will get free trivia content (means information, details) on SMS for the duration of Contest Period.

Winner Selection & Gratification:
The winner selection and declaration for the Contest shall take place after completion of the Contest.

This post was last modified on March 1, 2022 12:15 PM

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