2015 CBSE Expression Series on Sh. Jayaprakash Narayan : Central Board of Secondary Education cbseacademic.in

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : CBSE Expression Series on Sh. Jayaprakash Narayan 2015
Applicable For : CBSe Students Classes I to XII
Applicable States/UT : All India
Competition Date : 11th October, 2015

Website : http://cbseacademic.in/
Competition Rules: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/2485-Series.pdf

CBSE Expression Series on Sh. Jayaprakash Narayan 2015:

In remembrance of the renowned freedom fighter and social reformer Sh. Jayaprakash Narayan, popularly known as JP, Central Board of Secondary Education announces CBSE Expression Series on Sh. Jayaprakash Narayan on 11th October, 2015.

Related / Similar Contest :
CBSE Expression Series On Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam 2015

The details of this Expression Series are as follow:
i. To be held on 11th October, 2015.

ii. The three categories of participation are:
a) Classes I to V, b) Classes VI to VIII and c) Classes IX to XII

iii. Topics are given in Annexure 1.

iv. Students may submit their entries as Essay/ Poem/ Drawing.

v. Entries may be submitted in any one of the 22 scheduled languages and English.

vi. Participation is voluntary. 11th October 2015 being a holiday, interested participants may submit the entry from home or from a place as per their convenience.

vii. Entries may be submitted using any of the three following modes:
a) Online mode through the link to be made available on www.cbseacademic.in (Details given in Annexure II)
b) Uploading only the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry through the link to be made available on www.cbseacademic.in . (Details given in Annexure II)

c) Mobile App using the numbers (Details given in Annexure III):
For Classes I to V 7065963925
For Classes VI to VIII 7065963926
For Classes IX to XII 7065963927

viii. To cater to the need of students of schools of such areas where internet connectivity is limited, the Board has devised a registration-cum-response sheet (Annexure-IV). This response sheet may be downloaded, printed and photocopied for distributing to participants. After completion of activity, participants are required to scan it/ click an image of the entry and upload it through link or send through Mobile App. Images without clear details may not be considered.

ix. The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 08:00hrs in morning to 23:59hrs in night on 11th October, 2015.

x. Entries submitted through email/ by post will not be considered.

xi. Best 36 entries in each category shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.

xii. Each participant will get a Certificate of Participation.

xiii. Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.

xiv. Plagiarism check may be done and the entry will be liable to disqualification if found plagiarized at any point of time.

Expression Series Submission:

Process flow for Online Submission/ Uploading the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry

To submit your entry, kindly follow the instructions as under:
1. Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
2. Entries should not exceed 5MB in any format. Visually impaired students can also use the audio/video mode.
3. Those who use the online mode may register only once as multiple registration may lead to disqualification.
4. The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
5. The entries/ writings must be original.
6. The entries without the registration details will be disqualified. Plagiarism, if detected at any point of time, will lead to disqualification of the prize.
7. There will also be a telephonic interaction to ascertain the originality of the Entry.
8. Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however, the entries submitted must be in their own language.
9. Final entries shall be selected by a panel of experts.
10. No further communication will be entertained on the selected entries.

Students (participants) may login by clicking on the link available on www.cbseacademic.in The link will be available on the date of submission.

For any query, you may contact Joint Director at 011-23215130 from 10:00 AM to 5:30PM or e-mail at praggyasingh.cbse@gmail.com.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

View Comments (17)

  • In present scenario it is quite difficult to say that today politics is about promotion of happiness or it is anymore true,because today politics is just about getting or reciting into power.Today politics for our politicians is just only a way through which they can satisfy their greedy needs and nothing more.So,it has become very difficult to believe in our politicians because they had wore masks and more than that people had wore a black fold of caste,creed,sex and culture and thus it has become a major weakness or drawback of our society and our politicians have realized this weakness in our society so,they had made this a tool to attack on people's emotions for their greedy needs.I am just a student of class 10 and i know i am very small to speak or comment on today's politics but i just felt that the future of our country is just in our hands and we can't deniy this'd this'd this'd fact.So,I would just like urge to the public to open their black folds and kicout the politicians who had made politics just a means which buy the people,far from people and away from people because it is very important for the people to kick their fat ass and give politics a true and new defination.

  • JayPrakash Narayan

    Biodata= Bron=11 Oct 1907

    Sitabdiara Bengal Presidency
    British India(now in saran, Bihar)

    Died=8/10/1979 (aged76)

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