iiwindia.com Best Welding Engineer Competition 2015 : Indian Institute of Welding

Organisation : The Indian Institute of Welding
Announcement : Best Welding Engineer Competition 2015

Notification : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/2499-BWE%202015_16_FLYER.pdf
Home Page : http://www.iiwindia.com/

Best Welding Engineer Competition 2015 :
The Indian Institute of Welding (A member society of the International Institute of Welding) Presents ‘Best Welding Engineer’ Competition 2015-16

If you have Knowledge of Welding technology, quality assurance and safety in welded fabrication; and
Qualifications and requisite experience as follows;
o If you are an Indian resident and
o If you are an engineering graduate with at least 2 years’ experience OR
o If you are a Diploma holder with 5 years’ experience, OR
o If you are a science graduate with 10 years’ experience; and can read engineering drawings; then;
Here is your chance to be the “National Winner” & get noticed in The Indian Welding Journal – the official IIW publication with circulation of 4500+ and;
The official website of IIW India; and
Receive a cash award and a certificate of recognition during the ‘National welding Seminar’ at MUMBAI in December 2015 On line screening test from 24-31 Oct 15

Simple Steps to Appear for the test :
1. To register for online test, go to iiwindia.org
2. Fill in the registration form online and submit
3. You will receive your login id and password by email on your registered email id.
4. Give the on-line preliminary examination when you are ready (See the dates below during which the exam can be taken at any hour). You will require to answer 60 multiple choice questions in 60 minutes
5. The top 10 scorers will be invited to Mumbai for a Final Written Examination and Interview on 8th December, and attend the National Welding Seminar on the 9th December 2015.
6. Be a winner, get recognition within the welding community and receive a cash award and a certificate during the inaugural session of the National Welding Seminar.

For more detailed guidelines and instructions on how to take the ‘BEST WELDING ENGINEER’ COMPETITION PRELIMINARY TEST Please visit
iiwindia.com Or iiwindia.org
For any queries, send a mail to: websupport.iiw@aaryans.org

Please note the dates for on-line test below
From 24th October till 31st October 2015, both days inclusive
You can register & give the test at any hour during this period

Broad Study Topics for the examination include
Construction & Design of weldments
Welding Processes and Equipment
Materials and their behavior during welding
Fabrication & Application Engineering

This post was last modified on May 11, 2022 5:27 PM

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