vmpim.ac.in Pratibha 2015 National Level Summer Project Competition : V. M. Patel Institute of Management

Organisation : V. M. Patel Institute of Management
Announcement : Pratibha 2015 National Level Summer Project Competition
Last Date : October 12, 2015

Notification : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/2504-Pratibha%20Brochure.pdf
Home Page : https://www.vmpim.ac.in/

Pratibha 2015 (National Level Summer Project Competition for MBA students)

PRATIBHA is a National Level Summer Project Contest organised by Faculty of Management Studies, Ganpat University since 2003. The event is living up to its name PRATIBHA as it truly brings out the talent of the students in terms of clarity of concepts ,analytical power, communication skills, personality and presentation skills which all are prerequisites of a good manager. PRATIBHA provides a platform to share experiences and learning of summer project, exposes students to competitive situations and allows interaction with students of other institutions.

Objectives :
** To encourage students for innovative and high quality summer pro-jects.
** To measure and sharpen the research skills of the students.
** To recognize and reward excellent summer project report by mone-tary awards, trophy and a valued certificate.
** To create interest and enthusiasm among the student fraternity to take on the challenges.
** To sharpen the presentation skills and broadens the knowledge base in various disciplines of management education.

Who can participate :
MBA Students (Batch: 2014-2016), studying in any management insti-tution in India can participate in the contest. Each MBA Department will identify and nominate the best Summer Project Report and send it to the organizers. Each Institute is required to send a Nomination Letter for the participating Students (Only one entry per institute is allowed).

No participation fee

Who will evaluate :
A Panel of Judges comprising experts from leading Institutions and Industry will evaluate the students’ overall performance based on Written Report, Presentation and Viva-Voce.

Last date of submission is October 12, 2015

Submission details :
The respective Institute is required to send hard copy of the Synopsis (summary of report approximately 3 to 4 pages) and the Summer Pro-ject Report with nomination form so as to reach to the institute on or before October 9th, 2015. The synopsis should highlight the keywords and should be typed in Times New Roman Font with 12 Letter Size and 1.5 spacing.

The Soft Copy of synopsis and Project Report along with the scanned copy of nomination form should be emailed to coordinators of Pratibha2015 on or before October 12th, 2015 at abhishek.parikh@ganpatuniversity.ac.in (Subject title should be “Nomination for Pratibha2015”). Competition will be held on 16th & 17th October, 2015.

Synopsis submission guideline :
Excluding Front Page, total synopsis should not be of more than 6 pages. The Synopsis should not exceed 2000 words (excluding title page and references), should be designed in the following pattern:

** Front Page should mention the details like Title of The study, Submit-ted by (Name of the Student), Submitted to (Name of Institution, Name of University) and the Date of submission.

** Synopsis should contain the Abstract (In Maximum 150 words),Key Words, Introduction of the Company/Institute, Introduction to the Study, Objectives of the Study, Research Methodology for the Study, Major Findings, Outcome of the study / Application of the study and Conclusion/Suggestion.

** Participants should only include required or applied part from Re-search Methodology in very brief, preferably in a one page mentioning Significance of the Study, Research Design, and Hypothesis of the Study, Sampling and Analysis.

Presentation :
Each Student is required to come prepared with Presentation Slides in MS-Power Point. The use of Multi-Media Projector is encouraged and the same will be provided. Group projects are allowed in the competi-tion. In case of group project, only one student will be allowed to give the presentation. The duration for presentation is 15 minutes fol-lowed by question answer session of 5 minutes.

First Prize: Cash Prize of Rs.15000 + Trophy
Second Prize: Cash Prize of Rs.10000 + Trophy
Third Prize: Cash Prize of Rs.5000 + Trophy
Best Communication Skills Award: Rs.5000 + Trophy

Contact us :
V. M. Patel Institute of Management Centre for Management Studies
Ganpat University-384012,
Mehsana-Gozaria Highway,
Mehsana, Gujarat, India.

This post was last modified on March 2, 2022 12:45 PM

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