Mountain Dew Passion For Adventure Contest 2017

Organisation : PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited
Contest Name : Passion For Adventure Contest 2017
Applicable For : All Indian citizens, residing in India
Contest Last Date : 21st July, 2017
Website :

Passion For Adventure Contest

1. Passion For Adventure (‘Contest’) is brought to you by PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited (‘Organizer’).

Related / Similar Contest : Mountain Dew Arena Offline Contest 2017

2. The Contest is open to all Indian citizens, residing in India, of 18 years of age or above with a valid Facebook account except the employees of the Organizer and their family members, Organizer’s associate companies, its bottlers, its JV partners, its co-packers, its distributors, its agents, its advertising and promotional agencies and its auditors and their associate companies (‘Participant’).

3. The Contest is valid from 3 P.M of 19th July, 2017 till Midnight 21st July, 2017 (‘Contest Period’). The Organizer may in its absolute discretion curtail or extend the Contest Period, as it deems necessary without any liability whatsoever; and no communication in this regard will be entertained.

4. By participating in this Contest, a Participant unconditionally and irrevocably accepts and agrees to be bound by all these terms and conditions as stated herein at all times without any exception whatsoever. Organizer reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of this Contest, without any prior notice and liability.

5. Participation in the Contest is optional.

6. How To Participate :
To participate in the Contest, the Participant has to follow the steps as detailed herein below:
a) Be a registered Facebook user.
b) Follow/Like the Mountain Dew Facebook page (hereafter individually “Mountain Dew Page”)
c) Participants to share a screenshot of Lt. Col. Satyendra Verma as he flies through the shards.
d) Entries need to be precise.
e) Multiple Entries are valid. Copied entries are invalid.
7. Only such submissions of the Participants meeting the criteria in Clause 6 above, shall qualify for the Contest.
8. By becoming a follower of the Mountain Dew Page, the Participant gives his free consent to abide by the rules, regulations, policies, and obligations as mandated by Facebook.
9. The Participants submitting their entries other than during the time of Contest Period as per Clause 3, shall not be eligible for the Prize (as defined hereinafter).
10. The valid entries will be decided by the Organizer.

11. Declaration of winner:
(i) One winner will be selected from the entries received.
(ii) The winner will be declared by 24th July, 2017
(iii) Winner will be selected by the Organizer through a randomizer from all eligible entries.

12. Prize:
Winner shall receive 1 Amazon shopping voucher worth Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand).

13. The decision of the Organizer with regard to validity of the post shall be final and no claim or the Organizer shall entertain communication with respect to that post by the Participant.

14. The winner will be asked to share his/her details through direct message to the applicable Mountain Dew Page, i.e. name, e-mail address, contact no, prize delivery address etc., as requested by the Organizer.

15. The winner may be contacted by the representatives of the Organizer on the contact number/email id shared by him/her on the direct message inbox. The winner would be contacted thrice over a period of 24 hrs.

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