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manthan.pimrindore.ac.in MANTHAN 2015 : Prestige Institute of Management & Research PIMR Indore

Organisation : Prestige Institute Of Management And Research PIMR , Indore
Announcement : MANTHAN-2015 Cooking Contest, Solo / Group Dance Competition
Last Date : 26th October 2015

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Home Page : manthan.pimrindore.ac.in

MANTHAN-2015 :
It gives us immense pleasure to inform you about our well-known, dynamic and interactive management festival MANTHAN-2015 (Colours of Happiness). This year the event is scheduled on the 29th 30th Et 31st October 2015, with various events being categorized under management, literary, cultural Et other creative areas.

Every year MANTHAN attracts a huge number of students from numerous B-schools across the country. This year we expect to surpass all previous records in terms of pool of talent that we hope to attract. We look forward to enthusiastic involvement, cooperation and support from you.

The details of the various events, instructions for participation, registration form Et poster are enclosed for your reference. You are requested to kindly display the poster on your institute’s notice board and arrange to promote the event among your students.

Events :
Rangrez ( T-Shirt / face painting and pencil sketching ) – 1:30 pm
Chanakya Neeti (Leadership Game /Strategy Games) – 1:30 pm
Gunjan (Musical Instrumental) – 1:30 pm
Sa Re Ga Ma (Solo and Duet Singing) Prelims – 2:00 pm
Art from Waste (Best out of Waste) – 2:30 pm

Cine-Quiz (Bollywood Quiz) – 2:30 pm
Bawarchi (Cooking Contest) – 2:30 pm
Nritayanjali (Solo / Group Dance Competition) – 3:30 pm
Spot Magic (Photo Magic) – 3:30 pm

Rules and Regulations :
Rangrez (T-Shirt/Face Painting and Pencil Sketching)
This is a solo event. Participants will express their creativity by making designs on a T-shirt or Face or Sheet in 30 minutes.
The theme for painting will be given on the spot.
Plain white T-shirt (for T-shirt painting) and a volunteer (for face painting) along with paints and accessories are to be bought by the participants themselves. In case of Pencil Sketching the sheet would be provided by the institute.
Judge’s decision will be final.

Bawarchi (Cooking Contest) :
This is solo event.
The food should only be vegetarian.
Participants are required to bring requisite ingredients and utensils.
Recipe should be submitted to judges on the day of competition (in written).
Recipe includes the method of preparation of dishes.
Only flameless cooking is allowed.
Judges decision will be final.
Max. Time limit- 30 min.

Nritayanjali (Solo / Group Dance Competition :
Participants can participate in Solo / Group dance competition or both.
For group dance, maximum 10 participants can participate.
Time duration: solo performance maximum five minutes, and for group performance maximum seven minutes.
Only two teams are allowed from each participating institute in each category (solo/group).
Registrations must be done seven days in advance.
Songs must be brought in CDs as well as in pen drive, both are compulsory at least one day in advance. No other medium like cassette, mobile, etc. will be allowed.
Group and solo participant should come in proper attire as per the theme of their dance.
The costumes and props should be arranged by the participants themselves.
Judges can eliminate group and solo performances within first 2 minutes, if they feel that the performance is not up to the mark.
The solo/group dances will be evaluated on the basis of following criteria: theme, attire, props, dance form (s), selection of song / music, body language and facial expressions.
Rules of the competition can be changed / modified without prior notice by the PIMR authorities.
Judge’s decision will be last and final and will be binding on all.

** Last date of submission of registration forms is 26th October 2015.
** Photocopy of registration form can be used for multiple entries.
** Participant fee will be Rs. 100 per individual event and Rs. 250 per team per event as applicable, payable by cash/consolidated demand draft / cheque / at per cheque in favour of “PIMR Student’s Club” payable at Indore.
** Team/Individuals can participate in one or more events if there is no clash of timings.
** Each participating institute can send max two teams/participants to participate for events other than Band and the Skit competition.
** The participants must carry their institute’s identity card for their identification.
** Entry is strictly on the basis of identity cards only.
** The participants have to report at PIMR premises at 09:00 Hrs on the day of event irrespective of the time of event.
** The Participants are requested to report at the reception counter one hour prior to the each event.
** The participant certificate of each event will be awarded on the same day after the end of the respective event.
** Winners and Runner up prize will be awarded on the same day after the end of the respective event.
** Kindly send your entries through E-mail/Speed post/Courier.
** Registration forms must be attested/forwarded by the respective Institute’s Authority/Principal/Dean/Director/Registrar.
** In case the students don’t have permanent IDs, they must bring a letter for the same from the college authorities in original.

Address :
Prestige Institute of Management and Research,Indore (PIMR)
Email : manthan@pimrindore.ac.in

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  1. Navneet Singh

    How can I get my videos and Pictures of Manthan 2015?

    1. Admin

      From the Website :

      The details of the various events, instructions for participation, registration form Et poster are enclosed for your reference. You are requested to kindly display the poster on your institute’s notice board and arrange to promote the event among your students.

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