Idea Devotional Challenge 2017 :

Organisation : Spice Digital Limited & Idea Cellular Limited
Contest Name : Idea Devotional Challenge 2017
Applicable For : Subscriber of Idea Devotional Pack
Contest Last Date : 12-Oct-2017
Website :

Idea Devotional Challenge :

The Idea Devotional Challenge is conceptualized, organized and conducted by Spice Digital Limited in association with Idea Cellular Limited.

Related : Idea Cellular Dialer Tone Recharge Dhamaka Contest 2017 :

The Challenge is open only for a limited period starting from 14-July-2017, 00:00:01 hours till 12-Oct-2017 23:59:59 hours, both days inclusive, for the active1 pre-paid as well as post-paid category of the Idea subscribers (“Subscriber(s)”2) of the Idea Tamil Nadu telecom circle.

Procedure & Eligibility To Participate:
This Challenge is valid for all active prepaid and postpaid Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria:

** He/she must be an existing Subscriber of Devotional Pack.
** He/she must be of or above 18 years of age;
** He/she must be a resident of India;
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind;
** He/she must belong to any of the Circles mentioned above; and
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
** If at the time of the declaration of the result of the gratification under this Challenge, the Subscriber has ported out of the network of Idea, he/she will not be eligible to and entitled to get any gratification under the Challenge.

Participation & Charging:
1. This Challenge is meant for the new as well as the existing Subscribers of Devotional Pack Service and brought forward by SDL/ Idea, purely on a “best effort” basis. Any participation by the Subscribers in this Challenge is voluntary.

To participate in this Offer, a Subscriber/Participant shall have to do the following: – Subscriber/Participant needs to activate cricket/sports service by dialing the IVR Short code 5220089 or by other mode Short Message Service (SMS), Out Bound Dialer (OBD), Speaker Independent Voice Recognition (SIVR), Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP).

Post payment of the subscription charges (mentioned below), Subscriber will get delayed match score alerts of the match played during the Challenge Period along with match’s schedule, interesting sports/cricket trivia and team’s information and shall be eligible for the Gratifications.

It is also specifically agreed by the Participants / Subscribers that the decision of SDL and/or Idea shall be final and binding upon them and agree not to dispute, seek clarification from either SDL or Idea or both.

2. The Challenge is available on voice. The Challenge consists of maximum 90 Lord Tirupati Ji based questions with two answer options for each question.
3. The charged amount will not be refunded to Subscribers under any circumstances.
4. Subscribers shall be allowed to participate in the Challenge only after the Subscriber subscribes the devotional service and Subscriber shall get a successful billing call back from Idea.
5. If a Subscriber un-subscribes the devotional service during the Challenge Period then his total score till the time of un-subscription will become zero and if the Subscriber again subscribes to devotional service, his/her scoring will start from Zero.

Challenge On Voice:
1. The Challenge will be available on 543211 on Voice.
2. Subscribers will be informed about the participation for the Challenge, gratification and Terms and Conditions URL, when they call the number 543211 Toll-free to participate in the Challenge.

3. The Challenge consists of maximum 90 based questions on Lord Tirupati Ji with two answer options for each question. Everyday Subscriber will be given 1 question and the un-played questions will not be carried forward to the next week.

The Subscribers may play these questions within a week only. The questions of an event will not carry forwarded to next event. The Subscribers may press 1 for option 1 or press 2 for option 2 on their phone keypad to answer each question of the Challenge.

All questions are in multiple choice format and the answer to each must be selected from one of the 2 options only.

4. The questions under the Challenge shall be based on information available to the public at large.
5. For every right answer the Subscriber will get 10 point. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.
6. After every answer, the Subscriber will be played an appropriate response and given the next question and answer options.

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