UIDAI Aadhaar Makes It Easy Success Story Based Contest 2017

Organisation : UIDAI
Competition Name : #AadhaarMakesItEasy Success Story based Aadhaar Contest
Contest Last Date : August 9, 2017
Applicable For : Residents of India
Prize : Rs. 20,000/-
Contest Details : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/25908-AadhaarMakesItEasy.pdf
Home Page : https://uidai.gov.in/

Success Story based Aadhaar Contest :

The Contest is open to the residents of India only. b. Non-Aadhaar holders are not eligible to participate.

Related : UIDAI My Aadhaar Film Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/24901.html

Duration: a. The validity of this campaign begins at 00:00 on July 10, 2017 and ends at 23:59 on August 9, 2017 (i.e. 30 days).

Participation Criterion :
a. How to participate :
i. Entries must be submitted online via modes described in Sl. No (ii). No physical copy will be accepted at any of the UIDAI offices.

ii. Stories can only be uploaded as:
1. a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) OR
2. in PDF format (.pdf) OR

3. Link to a published blog article (publishing date should be after contest start date and before contest end-date) And sent to us as:
1. a private message on Facebook/Twitter OR
2. email to media.division@uidai.net.in.

iii. Submissions in the form of Google Docs (.gdoc), Pages documents (.pages) or other word processor formats are not acceptable.

If we are unable to find or open your essay file ( owing to either an incorrect format or upload error), your entry may be declared invalid.

iv. For submissions, one needs to write a detailed article on Aadhaar and the way it is changing lives of people with suitable examples, facts and figures and send the link to us via a private message on Facebook/Twitter or email to media.division@uidai.net.in with your name titled as author of the same article.

The said article should be an original article and should have been published during the period of the said contest i.e. between July 10, 2017 to August 09, 2017 only.

v. Word limit for the article is between 200 to 500 words.

vi. All the contestants must positively send in their entries for this contest along with the following details:
1. Aadhaar Number (participant’s)
2. Name as on Aadhaar
3. Contact address
4. A confirmation (ONLY Yes/No. Bank details not required) that their Aadhaar is linked to a bank account. In case the participant’s Aadhaar is not linked to a bank account, please refer to Point No. ‘i’ in General Terms & Conditions mentioned below.

Dos :
1. Only one entry per person will be accepted. Only individual entries will be accepted. Team entries will not be accepted.
2. Submitted story must be based on true story of either the contestant or his/her acquaintance.

3. Word limit for submitted story or blog article should be 200 to 500 words. It should describe how Aadhaar changed their lives and impact of Aadhaar as an identity platform in the story which may include real-life examples.

The participant may use photographs/ illustrations to support the story. (These should be original work ONLY. Any liability arising about Copyright of the images used shall be with the author/ publisher ONLY).

4. Story can either be in Hindi or English only.

This post was last modified on February 28, 2022 1:12 PM

Categories: Government
Tags: uidai.gov.in

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    • Information available from the Official Website :

      The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
      (a) Message(s) being communicated
      (b) Uniqueness of work & use of language
      (c) Correctness of information

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      For submissions, one needs to write a detailed article on Aadhaar and the way it is changing lives of people with suitable examples, facts and figures and send the link to us via a private message on Facebook/Twitter or email to media.division [AT] uidai.net.in with your name titled as author of the same article.

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