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davia.in Little Da Vinci 2015 National Level Art Competition : iDEA Assemblage LLP

Organization : DA Vinci iDEA Assemblage LLP
Competition Name : Little Da Vinci 2015 National Level Art Competition
Applicable For : Children Standard I to XII (For School Going) | Age 4 to 17 years (For Non School Going)
Applicable States/UT : All India
Submission Last Date : 5th November, 2015

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Website : http://davia.in/
Register Online : http://davia.in/online-entry-form/
Application Form https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/2604-davia-rules.pdf

National Level Art Competition 2015:
This art competition is being organized by DA Vinci iDEA Assemblage LLP hereinafter DAVIA for promoting art skill among the younger generation.

The participant shall be a citizen of India. Indian Citizens living abroad can also take part in the competition.
Depending on the class (if he/she is school going) or age of the participant (if he/she is illiterate or school dropout), he/she will compete in one of the following seven categories:

For School Going):
V & VI
V & VI
IX & X
+1 & +2

Age Group: (For Non School Going)
4 to 5 years
6 to 7 years
8 to 9 years
10 to 11 years
12 to 13 years
14 to 15 years
16 to 17 years

The participant shall obtain her/his parent’s, legal guardian’s prior permission to take part in the competition and they must provide their contact details and indicate consent to the terms and conditions.

Entry Fee:
For those who send the scanned copy of artwork online through our website www.davia.in:
A sum of Rs.250/- should be paid as entry fee through our website by using the credit/debit card/Net Banking by way of payment gateway. Only upon paying the entry fee, the application filled in online along with the scanned copy of the artwork will be accepted by website.

For those who send the original artwork by courier/registered post to DAVIA:
A sum of Rs.250/- should be paid by way of Demand Draft (DD)/Indian Postal Order (IPO) drawn in favour of ‘DA VINCI IDEA ASSEMBLAGE LLP’. The DD/IPO should be attached with original artwork and entry form and the number/s of DD and IPO should be filled in the Entry Form in the relevant column and should be sent to the following address

** The entry fee will not be refunded/returned/transferred in any manner and in any situation to the participants.
** The entry fee paid insufficiently will not be refunded/returned/transferred to the participants in any manner.
** If the entry fee is paid twice or more inadvertently, the amount excessively paid will be refunded to the concerned participant after deducting applicable remittance charges.
** The participants cannot claim refund from DAVIA as a matter of right.
** DAVIA reserves its right to revise this refund policy as it deems fit from time to time suiting per event.

Participation Details:
The Competition opens on 5th September, 2015 and closes on 5 th November, 2015. Submissions received outside of the said competition period will not be considered. The participant can submit one or more entries during the Competition Period. Entry fee of Rs.250/- shall be paid for each entry. Any art work being sent without entry fee will not be considered for evolution

1. The Artwork should be of A4 size white thick chart paper/sheet (210 mm X 297 mm / 21.0 cm X 29.7 cm) only.
2. The Artwork can be completed through any medium (Water Colours, Poster Colours, Acrylic Colours, Colour pencils, Soft/Oil Pas- tels & Pencil Shading) etc.
3. The Artwork must be original and not be a reproduction of posters, books, calendars, greeting cards, cartoons and images copied from internet.
4. Entry Fee is Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty Only) (Non – Refundable/Non – Transferable) per Artwork to be paid through Demand Draft (DD)/ Indian Postal Order (IPO) taken in favour of ‘DA VINCI IDEA ASSEMBLAGE LLP’.
5. Any number of artworks can be sent by one participant and the entry fee should be paid for each artwork separately.
6. Artwork sent without Entry Fee will not be accepted and not be returned back.
7. A photocopy of the signed entry form should be pasted backside of artwork for proper identification.
8. Artwork should not be framed or mounted or fold.
9. Artwork should be sent only by registered post/Courier service.

10. Each parcel / courier should carry a) Signed Entry Form:
a) DD/IPO for Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty Only) in favour of ‘DA VINCI IDEA ASSEMBLAGE LLP’
b) Artwork (after pasting the photocopy of signed entry form at the backside of the Artwork

11. Artwork should reach us on or before 05.11.2015 to the following address.
141/14, 2nd Floor, Vanniar Street, Choolaimedu, Chennai -600 094

12. DAVIA will not be responsible for any damage/loss of artwork caused during the transit. We accept the above Instructions and the Terms and Conditions of Little DA Vinci 2015 – Art Competition.

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Add a Comment
  1. Bhawana

    I am still waiting for the results of 2015.

  2. Anju

    Can you please be bothered at least to tell about results?

  3. Keerthikasree

    When is the result?

  4. Purushothaman

    What about the result?

    1. Admin

      Results are not announced yet.

    2. Binit Kumar Jain

      Can you please confirm the results once again?

  5. sanjay.k

    When will result be published?

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