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Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam CBSE Expression Series On 15th October 2015 : cbseacademic.in Central Board of Secondary Education

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : CBSE Expression Series On Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam On 15th October 2015
Applicable For : CBSE Students Classes I to XII
Applicable States/UT : All India
Competition Last Date : 15th October, 2015

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Website : http://cbseacademic.in/
Circular : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/2628-aKalam.pdf
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CBSE Expression Series on Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam:

As an endeavour to pay tribute to the educationist, scientist, missile man and the People’s President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on his birthday on 15th October, the Central Board of Secondary Education announces CBSE Expression Series on Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam on 15th October, 2015.

Related / Similar Contest :
CBSE Expression Series on Mahatma Gandhi 2015 Result

The details of this Expression Series are as follow:
i. To be held on 15th October, 2015.

ii. The three categories of participation are:
a) Classes I to V,
b) Classes VI to VIII and
c) Classes IX to XII

iii. Topics are given in Annexure 1.
iv. Students may submit their entries as Essay/ Poem/ Drawing.
v. Entries may be submitted in any one of the 22 scheduled languages and English.

vi. Entries may be submitted using any of the three following modes:
a) Online mode through the link to be made available on www.cbseacademic.in (Details given in Annexure II)
b) Uploading only the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry through the link to be made available on www.cbseacademic.in . (Details given in Annexure II)

c) Mobile App using the numbers (Details given in Annexure III):
For Classes I to V 7065963925
For Classes VI to VIII 7065963926
For Classes IX to XII 7065963927

vii. To cater to the need of students of schools of such areas where internet connectivity is limited, the Board has devised a registration-cum-response sheet (Annexure-IV). This response sheet may be downloaded, printed and photocopied for distributing to participants. After completion of activity, participants are required to scan it/ click an image of the entry and upload it through link or send through Mobile App. Images without clear details may not be considered.
viii. The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 08:00hrs in morning to 23:59 hrs in night on 15th October, 2015.
ix. Entries submitted through email/ by post will not be considered.
x. Best 36 entries in each category shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.
xi. Each participant will get a Certificate of Participation.
xii. Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.
xiii. Plagiarism check may be done and the entry will be liable to disqualification if found plagiarized at any point of time.

TOPICS Classes:

1st to 5th Participants may submit Essay (250 words)/ Poem/ Drawing on:
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s school days and how it influenced me…

: 6th to 8th Participants may submit Essay (500 words)/ Poem/ Drawing on: Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam: the father of India’s Missile Programme

: 9th to 12th Participants may submit Essay (700 words)/ Poem/Drawing on: “You have to dream before your dreams can come true.”, said Dr. Kalam. I dream for India to be…

Expression Series Submission:
Process flow for Online Submission/ Uploading the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry

How To submit :

1. Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
2. Entries should not exceed 5MB in any format. Visually impaired students can also use the audio/video mode.
3. Those who use the online mode may register only once as multiple registration may lead to disqualification.
4. The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
5. The entries/ writings must be original.
6. The entries without the registration details will be disqualified. Plagiarism, if detected at any point of time, will lead to disqualification of the prize.
7. There will also be a telephonic interaction to ascertain the originality of the Entry.
8. Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however, the entries submitted must be in their own language.
9. Final entries shall be selected by a panel of experts.
10. No further communication will be entertained on the selected entries.

Students (participants) may login by clicking on the link available on www.cbseacademic.in The link will be available on the date of submission.


For any query, you may contact Joint Director at 011-23215130 from 10:00 AM to 5:30PM or e-mail at praggyasingh.cbse@gmail.com.

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Add a Comment
  1. Jahnavi

    Where can I see the results?

  2. Bushra Modi

    Can I upload my poem tomorrow? It is the best poem. You will like it a lot but the reason is I am not able to upload. I am getting confused. So I will ask my friend first and then tomorrow I will upload but believe me it is the best poem.

  3. Paras

    Where can we submit our essay,drawing and poem?

  4. Charmila


  5. R.Janhavi

    Please help me to get my certificate of merit of this competition. My entry was selected in XI-XII category but still I didn’t receive any certificate.

  6. Janhavi

    My entry has been selected but the certificate and cash award has not yet been received.

  7. snigdha yadav

    I want to see the result of CBSE expression series. Where can I see?

  8. bhumi

    It has been a month and since no results are there. I think it was just to waste our time on writing it

  9. chanchal verma

    I have not received my participation certificate yet


    I am a student of Mahadevi Birla World Academy,Kolkata. I wrote an essay on Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and when I submitted it I got a confirmation letter saying that the participation certificate had been sent to my email- id. But it has been a month and I haven’t received my participation certificate yet. I hope you will always recommend that the EXPRESSION SERIES is to encourage us. By not giving the participation certificates and by not declaring the results we are being discouraged. Please look over the matter.

    1. anonymous

      Please check your spam folder

  11. S.DAS


    1. Oshi Agarwal

      Even I have same problem I didn’t get any participation certificate yet. And I am checking my emails daily.

  12. Harleen sehimee

    I want to know when the results will come.
    I am from class 6

  13. Anonymous

    I don’t want to tell my name please. But may I kindly know when the results will be declared. Many students have not got their participation certificates including me. I would request you to kindly look over the matter

  14. Harleen sehimee

    When results will be shown ? I am from class 6.

  15. Deepa

    1) I had submitted my entry on whats app but the picture is still not seen by the CBSE.
    2) When will be the results be available?

  16. Diya

    I have submitted my drawing. I didn’t got any reply and when the result will be announced?

  17. zehra ali

    How we will know the result and how to see our drawing picture?

  18. divya khanal

    I have not got any email till now. Whether my entry is accepted?

  19. bhumika

    I have sent the essay. From where should I search the results?


    I had not received my participation certificate on my email id yet

  21. mudit singh

    How do I download the participation certificate for Apj Kalam drawing?

    Please help me out.

  22. Hemantha

    I registered through online and got the message saying you are successfully registered and a confirmation mail has been sent to your mail id but I did not received any such mail.
    Please let me know whether I was registered or not.

  23. Suhana Yasmin

    I am very happy in participating in it but I do not know whether my poem had gone in the website or not please reply me. I am a student of 7th class.



  25. Pratikshya

    I have not recieved any confirmation about my registration

  26. bhavya

    I have still not got any email regarding registration.
    Can you resend or confirm regarding details?
    If any error please let me know.

  27. Ayush

    I didn’t got message of registration yet

  28. shaifali mittal

    I have sent photo of drawing on Dr kalam directly from my mobile. I want to check whether received or not ? How to check?
    Do I need to fill any registration form also ?

  29. Rohini chaudhary

    I am a student of class 10th. If we send image of our content on whatsapp then is it necessary to register online?

    1. Admin

      I do not think so you need to register online to send image on whats app.

  30. manas

    I am not getting any information about the link. So can you please reply the link here. Also I have a doubt. Is there any time limit for the submission of the entry?

  31. Aishwarya rai

    I can’find the link please tell me the link

    1. Admin

      Currently the link has been disabled.

  32. soujhenya

    How to win prizes?

    1. Admin

      Best 36 entries in each category shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.

    2. Ankita

      But till now we did not get any winners name

  33. devanshi

    Poem should be of how many words?

  34. ankita

    Where is the link?

    1. Admin

      Time limit is over to submit your entries.

  35. Rakesh saini

    A P j Abdul kalam was born on 15 October 1931. He was the 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007. He was also missile man of India. His father name was jainulabudeen and his ashiamma a house wife. He was lived in Rameswaram in the state of Tamil Nadu. He spent the next for decades as a scientist and science administration mainly at the defense research and development organization. He was good person and died in 27 July 2015.

  36. navnoor

    How can we download offline form ?

  37. Shahzad khan

    We can also draw for this topic?

    1. Admin

      Yes you can submit essay or poem or drawing

  38. Bhavana Naidu

    I am not able to find the link. Please could you tell me where is the link.

    1. Admin

      Submit your entry here.

  39. Aditya ..........

    Is there any Reward or anything given for the winner? (just asking)

  40. Pradeep

    How will I register in this competition?

  41. Anwesha Kumar

    I am a student of class 10. My doubt is that, do we have to start an essay and a poem both by “I dream for India to be….”?

  42. A

    We have to write that essay on a paper and send it to cbse?

    1. Admin

      Click a photograph of your entry or scan the image and upload through the Mobile App on the following Numbers:
      Classes 1 to 5 7065963925
      Classes 6 to 8 7065963926
      Classes 9 to 12 7065963927

  43. Abhishek gupta

    I am interested in this competition

  44. Riddhi

    If we write less then 500 words then what?


    I want to take part in cbse expression 2015 on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s birthday, But i m not getting the registration form to fill. Will you please help me to find the registration form?

  46. omkar

    Good competition organized by cbse


    Provide me essay of class 10 of that cbse series

    1. Admin

      Classes: 9th to 12th :
      Participants may submit Essay (700 words)/ Poem/Drawing on:
      “You have to dream before your dreams can come true.”, said Dr. Kalam. I dream for India to be…

  48. Rishit Girdhar

    Where we have to write essay of vth class?

  49. Smriddhi srivastava

    We have to make the sketch of dr.APJ Abdul Kalam??

  50. sourabh

    DR.APJ abdul kalam was a great scientist

  51. Sneha

    In which date we have to submit it?

    1. adithya

      15/10 /2015 time 8 AM to 12pm

    2. Anonymous

      On 15th October

    3. vaishnav.k.n.

      How do i send the essay through online?

    4. Admin

      use the above link to submit your essay online. You will be asked to cross thriugh three steps.
      1. Personal Information
      2. School Information
      3. Submit Your Entry

    5. Anonymous

      15 October 2015

  52. Jatin Singh

    I am interested in taking part in this competition

    1. Admin

      Online link will be opened on 15th October 08:00 hours Morning.

  53. Kumari Veena Sahu.

    We have to write fully in our own words or we can get idea from essay books and internet?

    1. Smriddhi srivastava

      1-We can write essay by our own or by taking help of essay book and internet?
      2-In poem competition we have to made our own poem?
      3-In drawing competition we have to make related to topic-you have to Or picture of dr.APJ Abdul Kalam?

    2. Admin

      Drawing also referred to same topic

    3. Benita Benny

      Yes we should write every thing our own and also we can get ideas from internet and essays written by others.

      If you got ideas means write in your own words made by yourself.And also it should be real.

    4. vaishnav.k.n.

      you can get help from internet or books.

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