Photographic Society Shoot Madras Photo Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Photographic Society of Madras
Contest Name : ‘Shoot Madras’ Photo Contest 2017 with Madras Week
Application Last Date : 7th August, 2017
Applicable For : 1. OPEN to ALL 2. Students
Prize : Medal + Certificate+ A print of the winning entry
Contest Terms & Conditions :
Home Page :

Shoot Madras Photo Contest :

Photographic Society of Madras (PSM), sharing 158 years of its history with the City, is holding a photography contest during the Madras Week that celebrates the 376 years of Madras.

Related : inPA Travel Contest 2017 :

Categories: 1. OPEN to ALL 2. Students

Entries may be sent to ““ before 12.00 noon on Monday, 07th August, 2017. An exhibition of prize winning entries will be announced later.

Rules And Regulations :
** One participant can send a maximum of two pictures per theme.
** The file name should be: Theme_ImageTitle_PhotographerName.jpg

Sample file names :

Each entry should be accompanied by the following data sheet duly filled, in email EXCEL sheet LINK sample )
Postal address
Name of college/school/employer
Photograph Title
Category : Open to All / Student
Theme: 1. My Madras/ 2. Only in Madras /3. Evolving Madras
Entries should NOT be emailed to ANY OTHER ID. Photos on CD or as prints are NOT accepted.

Image size:
** All images are to be submitted in JPEG format. Photographs should be no greater than 1,400 pixels on the longest side. Image file sizes should not be bigger than 2Mb.
** Any manipulation or modification to the original image is limited to minor retouching of blemishes and cropping and must not alter the content of the original scene.
** Highly manipulated images and composite images including HDRs are not permitted. Monochrome images are allowed.
** No information about the entrant will be given to the selectors. An image showing the name of the entrant or any water mark on the photo will be disqualified.

Qualification :
** Entry is open to all photographers – , amateur and professional.
** A participant can participate in one category only. Either Student or Open. Students to send the proof and identiy

The original image(s) must have been taken using a photographic process and all entrants must have the sole copyright to each image they submit. Clip Art and Copyright Free material are not acceptable. Photographic Society of Madras assumes no responsibility for misuse by anyone of the copyright of published images.

The organisers may reject any entry/image at their discretion. An entry may be rejected if it does not conform to published competition rules or is deemed unsuitable.

The entries have to be original work of the entrant, who owns them. The entrants may be asked to provide the original for verification.

An entrant failing to provide a requested image file may, at the organisers’ discretion, be considered to be in contravention of the contest rules and will be disqualified.

The decision of the organizers and the Judges would be final and no complaints would be entertained.

Reproduction :
By submitting an entry, the entrant permits the organizers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for PSM publicity in print or online internet site and/or in other media.

Prizes :
Winners will be selected in each group and theme. So there will be six set of First, Second and Third prizes, also there will be 18 Special Mentions.
First Prize: Medal + Certificate+ A print of the winning entry
Second Prize: Medal + Certificate+ A print of the winning entry
Third Prize: Medal + Certificate + A print of the winning entry
Special Mention: Certificate

Results Notification :
Notification of results will be sent by email. Entrants should ensure that they provide an active email address and that spam filters are set to accept emails from shootmadras2017 [AT] Notifications will not be sent by post.

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