Epson Smartest Young Indian Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Epson India Pvt. Ltd
Contest Name : The Epson Smartest Young Indian Contest 2017
Applicable For : Residents of India between the ages of 8 and 16 years
Contest Last Date : 30th September, 2017
Website :

Young Indian Contest :

Take your mind on a playful journey of creation. If you’ve got the flair to shape things differently with the power of your imagination, this is your chance.

Related : The Epson Smartest Young Indian 3 Contest 2015 :

Go all out and express your creativity through a collage. Put on your thinking cap to win a trip to Singapore. Show India that you are the one!

Now, just follow these 3 simple steps:
1. Download and take a printout of the Contest Form
2. Unlock your imagination and create a collage
3. Place the filled out contest form along with the collage in an envelope and post it to the address mentioned in the form or drop it in the Epson ‘Drop Box’ (available at select schools only)

** Choose a topic/theme of your choice.
** Choose your collage media/sheet. The size of the media/sheet should not exceed A3.
** You can also use a smaller size for the media/sheet you choose.
** With the help of a colour printer, make a collage out of printed papers, patterns, paper cut-outs, pictures etc. Remember, using printouts to create the collage is a must.
** You can use paints, glitters, sketches etc. to make your collage look more interesting.

Entry Eligibility:
No Purchase Required. ‘The Epson Smartest Young Indian Contest’ is open to residents of India who are between the ages of 8 and 16 years as on September 30, 2017. Employees of Sponsors, associates and their respective immediate families are not eligible to participate. Entrants must have a parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to enter

How To Enter:
To enter, submit a completed Contest Form (that will include the Registration Form). By signing the Registration Form, the parent or legal guardian is agreeing to the terms & conditions of the contest for the participant.

The completed Contest Form along with the collage (as mentioned below) must be placed in an envelope and posted to the address mentioned in the form. Contestants can also submit their entry in to the Epson Drop Box (available at select schools only).

Please use adequate measures to protect the Contest Form Printouts against damage due to transport or delivery. Each entrant is allowed to submit only one entry.

Use of the same entry for other sponsor contests and/or awards is not permitted. The sponsor will not be liable for the entries lost in transit.

Winners Announcement:
Decisions regarding the winners of ‘SYIC 2017’ by Epson will be final.

Other Conditions Apply:
Terms and conditions can change without prior notice or approvals.

Epson reserves the right to use details of participants for further promotional purposes.

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Epson InkTank printers make printing and your world more interesting and fun.

This post was last modified on February 19, 2021 11:22 AM

Categories: Design/Logo

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