Idea Cellular Khushiyon Ki Barish Contest 2017 Bihar :

Organisation : Idea Cellular Limited
Contest Name : Khushiyon Ki Barish Contest 2017
Applicable For : Prepaid Subscribers of Idea
Applicable States/UTs : Bihar
Contest Last Date : 31st August 2017
Website :

Khushiyon Ki Barish Contest :

This contest is run by Idea Cellular Limited (hereinafter called as “Idea”) Bihar License Service Area, for the pre-paid category of subscribers of Idea Cellular Limited, Bihar LSA (Bihar & Jharkhand).

Related : Idea Devotional Challenge 2017 :

Contest Period: 20th July 2017 to 31st August 2017

Eligibility To Participate In The Offer:
** Participants must have attained an age of 18 years as on the date of opening of the contest
** Participant must have a valid PAN Number to be eligible for Grand Prize Contest
** Participant must be a citizen of India
** Participant must comply to any and all legal and statutory requirements including TDS under Indian Income Tax Act
** Participant must have the legal capacity to enter into Legal contract and bind himself and must not be under any legal disability such as Insolvency, restraint by court.
** Subscriber must not have been either prosecuted or convicted for any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind
** Subscriber must be an active prepaid subscriber of IDEA, Bihar & Jharkhand Circle during the selection and announcement of winner
** Contest is not open for employees and their relatives, distributors, franchisees, agents and suppliers of Idea
** Subscriber who wins one Grand prize will not be eligible for another Grand Prize during the entire Contest period. Similarly, Subscriber who wins one weekly prize will not be eligible for another weekly prize

Process of Participation & Selection of Prize Winners:
Grand Prize: Rs.100000/- (Rupees One lakh) & Rs.50000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand) Cash prize.
Weekly Prizes: 25 Gold Coins (one coin per winner) & 100 Silver coins (one coin per winner) per week (there are 6 weeks in total during the contest period)

** Subscriber has to call on toll free Number 121121 and register his/her Idea prepaid mobile number for this contest
** Subscriber who have registered at 121121 will be earning points through following manner:
** By calling to any other party daily – 10 points/day (min. 1 min call for the day)
** By using Internet daily – 10 points/day (min. 1 MB data usage for the day)
** By calling at 121121 daily – 2 points/day

** Idea will attempt to contact up to the top 10 participants in decreasing order of earned points to arrive at a winner for each Grand prize.
** Grand Prize winners will be shortlisted based on points earned & accumulated during campaign period.
** Weekly Prize winners will be shortlisted based on points earned during that exclusive week and no rollover of points will take place from one week to another week.
** Prize winners will be announced post completion of campaign based on below parameters
** Top 5% Subscribers earning highest points will be shortlisted & winners will be chosen through ‘draw of lots’ & scrutiny thereafter

Terms & Conditions For Winners/Prizes:
** The Grand prizes are cash prizes and will be transferable/redeemable for cash.
** The weekly prizes shall not be transferable/redeemable for cash. Apart from the entitlement to the prize(s) won, the Winner(s) or their legal heirs will have no other rights or claims against Idea.
** Idea shall not be responsible for any miscommunication and/or false commitment/assurances made to the subscriber by any unauthorized person with regard to the scheme.
** All the TDS liability as per the rules and regulations of Income Tax Act, 1961 will be borne by the Subscriber. All incidental costs/taxes/levies related to the prize(s) shall be exclusively borne by the Subscriber.
** The Winners will be required to sign receipts, affidavits, indemnity, agreements and/or documents as required by the Idea at the time of delivery of prizes.
** The Winner(s) hereby irrevocably authorize Idea that it shall be entitled to use and disclose the winner’s photograph, name, mobile number and address in its any communications including marketing promotions and advertisements along with/without Idea’s brand.
** Idea is neither responsible nor guarantees the quality of the goods/services being offered as prizes nor is liable for any defect or deficiency of goods or services so obtained/availed by winning customer under this Scheme.
** Idea does not warranty the quality, merchantability and fitness of the product/service for a particular purpose.
** The customer cannot hold Idea liable for, any claims, losses, damages, deficiency of service, and delay in service, cost and expense which the customer may suffer due to participating in the Scheme.
** Shape, Size, make and model of the prize may differ from picture shown on the leaf lets or any other publicity material, communication and shall be at the sole discretion of Idea.
** The grand/weekly Winners will be required to submit ID proof, address proof and/or documents as required by the Idea at the time of delivery of prizes.
** Idea will not be responsible for any loss, damage, claimed/demanded by the subscribers due to any of the following reasons:-
** Subscriber is unable to dial on this short code i.e. (121121) in this offer.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:03 PM

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