Aakruti 3D PLM Software Annual Design & Modeling Contest 2017

Organisation : 3D PLM Software
Contest Name : Aakruti Annual Design & Modeling Contest 2017
Application Last Date : 8th September, 2017
Applicable For : Engineering and Design colleges Students
Prize : INR 2 Lakhs
Contest Details : http://www.3dplmsoftware.com/
Website : http://www.3dplmsoftware.com/

Aakruti Annual Design & Modeling Contest :

Aakruti is an innovation platform to shape your imaginations and bring your innovative designs to life using Dassault Systemes modeling applications.

Related : Aakruti 3D PLM Annual Design & Modeling Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/15787.html

How do I Submit my model? :
** Teams will need to upload the files online after completing their design.
** They are requested to zip all the files and rename it using their “teamname_team_id” (for eg. if the team name is “Innovators” and the team id is “A123456”, then the file name should be “Innovators_A123456.zip”.
** If the file size is too big, it can be split into multiple zip files and named by adding “_part1”, “_part2″respectively.
** Details of upload links for uploading the data will be communicated to the registered teams during the month of October.
** Uploads received after October 22, 2017 will not be considered for the Contest.

Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS may us the images of submitted models for various purposes such as publicity of Aakruti Design Contest in various media.

Prizes :
** Three winning teams will get total prizes worth INR 2 Lakhs along with lots of other goodies.

** Top two teams (4 members) will be offered an employment opportunity at Dassault Systemes (* applicable for final year students. Students also need to clear appropriate written test & interview at Dassault Systemes)

** A trophy for College with ‘Most Qualified Entries’
** SOLIDWORKS CSWA certification voucher for all qualifying entries who are submitting “a brief synopsis” as per their selected Theme.
** Selected teams will get opportunity to showcase their design at SOLIDWORKS WORLD 2018 event at Los Angeles.
** Teams will be selected by SOLIDWORKS EDU Department.
** Selected teams will get opportunity to participate in SOLIDWORKS Startup Accelerator Program in India.
** Teams will be selected by SOLIDWORKS EDU Department

Who Can Participate?
** Students from all Engineering and Design colleges, pursuing any engineering discipline can apply.
** All entries are necessarily supposed to be teams. A team should consist of two members ONLY .
** The members could be from two different colleges and preferably from two different branches.
** “Smart products cannot be created by mechanical engineers alone – need to collaborate with electronics and computer science branches”
** There is NO limitation on the number of entries from a college. Colleges may send any number of teams to participate in the contest.
** The teams can be from any engineering/ design college across India.

Contest Process :
** Finals will be held at Dassault Systemes Pune on 17th of November 2017.
** 10 teams will be shortlisted for the final round.
** Their names will be announced on 6th November 2017, on the website.
** The teams would also be informed by e-mail.
** These shortlisted teams will have to present their innovative design in front of eminent jury panel at Dassault Systemes Pune for about 15 minutes on November 17, 2017.
** The Jury’s questions round will also have weightage while compiling the results for the Top three winning teams.
** The results will be declared by the jury panel followed by the prize distribution on the same day.
** All the shortlisted teams travelling to Pune for the Finals, are entitled for a travel expense reimbursement.
** The reimbursement is for a to and fro second AC train fare, provided they produce tickets.
** The teams should reach Pune on 16th November 2017.
** Accommodation for the night(16th November, 2017) will be arranged by Dassault Systemes.

Note: The shortlisted teams will have to carry their Identity Card/Bonafide Certificate from their college when they report for the Final rounds along with registration e-mail.

Important Dates :
** Last Date for Registration – 8th September, 2017
** Last date of Design and Model Submission – 22nd October, 2017
** Announcement of Finalist teams – 6th November, 2017
** Final Presentation at Pune: 17th November, 2017

Note :
To receive your official SOLIDWORKS copy early, register as soon as possible. This will give your more time to learn and design.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 4:31 PM

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