Tata Docomo Cash Hi Cash Contest 2017 : tatadocomo.com

Organisation : Tata Teleservices Limited
Contest Name : Tata Docomo Cash Hi Cash Contest 2017
Applicable For : Subscribers of TTL
Applicable States/UTs : Delhi,
Rajasthan, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil-Nadu & Chennai, Uttar-Pradesh East, Uttar-Pradesh West, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Kolkata , Rest of Bengal
Contest Last Date : 27th Oct ’17
Website : https://web.archive.org/web/20170929181336/https://www.tatadocomo.com/en-in/prepaid-vas-contests
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/26455-tnc.pdf

Cash Hi Cash Contest :

Cash Hi Cash is a Quiz Contest that is available on SMS in the form of multiple choice questions and answers. It’s a subscription and pay per use contest.

Related : Tata Docomo Monsoon Bonanza Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/24763.html

The Customer would be charged Rs. 3 per Answer if he/she is subscribed on Lumata powered pack and will be charged Rs.5 if he/she is not subscribed to Lumata powered pack. The Prizes waiting to be won in this Contest are: Monthly, Weekly and Grand prize.

Contest Period : 5th Aug ’17 to 27th Oct ’17.

** Subscriber must be of or above 18 years of age;
** Subscriber must be a resident of India;
** Subscriber must belong to any one of the Circles mentioned in these Terms and conditions;
** The name and address of the Subscriber must at all times correspond with the name and address of such Subscriber as is registered with TTL during the Contest Duration and on the date of Winner selection and distribution of prizes under this Contest unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing by TTL.
** Subscriber must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and /or is prohibited from entering into any contractual relationship.

Contest :

Subscribers Charges How to activate
Existing users to Lumata powered services Rs.3/ Ans SMS WIN TO 54321/ 582820/ 58282
Non-Existing users to Lumata powered services Rs.5/ Ans SMS WIN TO 54321/ 582820/ 58282

** The Contest is in the form of questions based on general knowledge, which must be answered by the Participant by using his own knowledge and skill.
** The Monthly/Weekly/Daily subscription charges of Lumata pack shall be Rs.45/18/2 respectively, with all fall-back pricings. Daily pack of Rs. 5 will be available for special events like cricket etc.
** Subscribers can opt from the above mentioned subscription charges and can play the contest @Rs 3/Ans.
** Charges on roaming will be as per prevailing roaming rates for SMS services.
** The Participant will score 1 point for every correct answered question and there will be no negative marking for wrong answer.

Also, by participating in this Contest, You:
** Agree to these Terms and Conditions and give Your consent for the same;
** Agree that You are entering into this Contest as an independent party and nothing herein establishes an employer-employee relationship between You and TTL or between You and Partners and You are acting voluntarily, using Your own time and resources to participate in this Contest, solely at Your own risk;
** Warrant that You have read, understood and agreed to conform to these Terms and Conditions;
** Warrant the accuracy, truthfulness and currency of all information that You have submitted; and
** Warrant that prior to subscribing to the Contest, You have read, understood and have agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions herein

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 3:28 PM

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