ANDPictures Half Girlfriend Movie Meet With Chetan Bhagat Contest 2017

Organisation : ANDPictures Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited
Contest Name : Half Girlfriend Movie Meet With Chetan Bhagat Contest 2017 (#HalfGirlfriendOnANDPictures)
Contest Last Date : August 21, 2017
Website : andpictures [dot] in
Contest Page :
Contest T&C :

Half Girlfriend Movie Contest :

By means of these terms and condition set forth herein , Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (“Company”) is conducting a promotional activity named “Half Girlfriend – Meet With Chetan Bhagat Contest”

Related : Kopiko India Scratch Karo Aagey Raho Contest :

To promote cinematographic film title “Half Girlfriend”, by providing an opportunity to the viewers to submit their Entry on the social networking platforms particularly the Company’s Facebook page being and/or Company’s Twitter handle being  and get a chance to win the Gratification   on terms more particularly described herein below which you agree to be unconditionally bound by

Procedure For Participation And Selection :
1. In order to participate in the Activity, each interested participant (“Participant(s)”) shall be required to (i) like/share/follow the Company’s Facebook page and Twitter page (ii) submit/post/tweet his/ her correct answer for 1 (one) multiple choice question (“Question”) posted by the Company during the Activity Period (as defined hereunder) on the Entry Platforms along with the Activity Hash Tag (as defined below) (“Entry”).

To submit the Entry, the Participant shall be required to (i) log onto the Entry Platforms through his/ her valid existing Facebook and/or Twitter account (ii) click on the page/post created on the Entry Platforms by the Company (iii) like/share/follow the Company’s Facebook page and Twitter page and (iv) submit/post/tweet his/her Entry along with the Activity Hash Tag (as defined below).

For the sake of clarity, Question shall contain 4 (four) options i.e. A, B, C and D whereby only one option shall be the correct answer. The Participant(s) shall be required to choose and submit/post/tweet the correct answer to the Question that shall be posted on the Entry Platforms during the Activity Period to further progress in the Activity and have a chance to win the Gratification (as defined below).

2. The Activity Period for the Activity shall be from 11:30 IST on August 19, 2017 and continue till 20:00 IST on August 21, 2017 (“Activity Period”).
3. Each Entry submitted in accordance with Clause I (1) by the Participant shall mention the hashtag “#HalfGirlfriendOnANDPictures” (“Activity Hash Tag”).

4. The Company may promote this Activity through the medium of the Channel, Website, print media (newspapers), television (promos, astons, bugs etc.), on ground promotions, push sms, radio, digital media/ online and any other manner as shall deem fit by the Company, at its sole discretion, stating the mechanism in which the Participant(s) can participate in the Activity.

5. It is further clarified that the details of the Entry may be publicized on the channel named ‘& Pictures’ and any other channel owned and/or operated by the Company (“Channel”) and /or any other platform/medium other than the Entry Platforms.
6. For purposes of the Activity, “receipt” of the Entry shall be considered by the Company only when the Entry submitted by Participant(s) is received by the Company and visible on the Entry Platforms.

7. For the purposes of the Activity, a complete and valid Entry will constitute of:
(i) logging onto any one or both the Entry Platforms;
(ii) clicking on the post created by the Company on the Entry Platforms for the Activity;
(iii) like/share/follow the Company’s Facebook page and Twitter page
(iv) submitting/posting/tweeting the correct answer in accordance with Clause I (1) to the Question asked/posted by the Company on the Entry Platforms along the Activity Hash Tag button during the Activity Period.

8. Each Participant may submit multiple Entries for the Question on the Entry Platforms in accordance with Clause I (1) during the Activity Period. Entry received from the Participant(s) which is contrary to the terms mentioned above on the Entry Platforms during or after the Activity Period shall be considered null and void. It is clarified that submitting multiple Entries shall not make the Participant(s) eligible to win the Gratification and/or increase the chance of winning the Gratification.

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