Sennheiser India The Best Shot Contest 2017 : sennheiser-campaigns.com

Organisation : Sennheiser India
Contest Name : The Best Shot Contest 2017
Applicable For : All
Contest Last Date : 31 August, 2017
Website : http://www.sennheiser-campaigns.com/thebestshot/terms.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1

The Best Shot Contest :

Make sure you have read the terms and conditions before you submit your work!

Related : Amazon Sennheiser Track Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/22708.html

Contest Terms & Conditions :
** The entry to ‘THE BEST SHOT’ contest is free and open to all.
** Entrants to ‘THE BEST SHOT’ must be of minimum 18 years of age, also resident andcitizens of India at the time of the production of the video submitted to ‘THE BEST SHOT’.
** Only one entry per entrant is required and valid.
** The video neednot necessarily be made specifically for‘THE BEST SHOT’ contest. You may also edit your previously shot videos to the requirement of ‘THE BEST SHOT’ contest.
** The entries can be in any language but must contain audio. However, any regional language must be accompanied by subtitles for translation.
** All entries should be submitted as a YouTube link or Vimeo link. Please ensure that the submission link is not private.
** All entries must be between 30 seconds (minimum) to 90 seconds (maximum) of running time, including title and end credits.
** Entrants must obtain the consent of everyone appearing in their entries if their faces are recognizable.
** Ensure that all content in your entry (including footage, music, images, props, etc.) are your own or permissible to use as per law. Inclusion of any copyrighted content is the responsibility of the entrant and not Sennheiser India or its associated entities.
** No entry should contain vulgarity, violence, defamatory language or any other subject deemed by the ‘THE BEST SHOT’ organizers to be inappropriate for the tone of the competition.
** Entry(s) should not be obscene, vulgar, defaming, denigrating women, artist, celebrity or children, hurting religious sentiments, depicting violence or against the public policy of India or/and the internal policies of the Organizer.
** The Best Shot entries must not defame any person or entity, or be disparaging to any religion, race, or nation, or contain language that is lewd, obscene or inappropriate, or use any copyrights, images, marks, trademarks or logos that the Entrant has not obtained permission for their use.
** Sennheiser reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant who does not comply with the conditions set out in this clause.
** The last day to submit your entry is 31 August, 2017
** The makers of the video will continue to own the copyrights of their videos, but when they submit the video to the ‘THE BEST SHOT’ they agree that ‘THE BEST SHOT’ and its partners have unlimited use of the video in all formats and platforms.
** They also agree togrant Sennheiser and its associates “Usage Rights” to promote the winning videos as part of various marketing campaigns as deemed fit by the company.
** ‘THE BEST SHOT’ and its associated partners reserve the right to use the video and the video makers’ names or likenesses in any ‘THE BEST SHOT’ related promotional or advertising venture.
** Participation in the contest is not open to employees and family members of Sennheiser India, its Associate Companies, its Advertising Agency and its Media Partners.
** Sennheiser India reserves the right to withdraw and/or alter any of the above mentioned eligibility criteria of the contest at any time, without prior notice.
** Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this terms and conditions and any circumstances whatsoever, Sennheiser shall not be liable for any incidental, ancillary, direct, indirect, special or consequential damages including but not limited to lost profits or injury or death, whether in contract or based on any theory of liability.
** In no event, Sennheiser shall be liable for losses or any incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the Event., its services (however arising, including negligence).
** Sennheiser reserves the right to cancel any duplicate entries and debar all such entries from the event at its own discretion
** All entries are subject to verification, including without limitation, verification of eligibility through checks as deemed appropriate by Sennheiser Jury and complete compliance with these Terms & Conditions.
** Sennheiser has the sole right to disqualify any entry at any stage of the event in spite of qualifying earlier if the same is not in compliance with the terms and conditions herein specified or applicable laws, regulation/or any Policies that may be specified by Sennheiser.
** By entering the Competition, Entrants hereby warrant that all information submitted is true, current and complete and that the entrant is the owner of the submission and holds the copyright for the same.
** Any Entrants who have supplied incomplete, inaccurate or fraudulent information may be automatically disqualified.Incomplete, indecipherable or illegible entries will be deemed invalid.
** Entrants bear all responsibility to ensure that their entry is complete and legible.
** Entrant shall furnish original unpublished work and it shall in no manner infringe any rights including intellectual property rights, including without limitation, the copyright of a third person/party.
** Entry(s) shall not contain content that could be construed as defamatory, libelous, or slanderous.

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