CBSE Science Exhibition 2017-18 :

Organisation : Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Contest Name : CBSE Science Exhibition 2017-18
Applicable For : Students studying in classes VI to XI
Registration Last Date : 30th September, 2017
Website :
Notification :

CBSE Science Exhibition

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been taking many initiatives to provide interactive, participatory, hands-on, innovative and creative learning experiences to students studying in its affiliated schools.

Related : CBSE Science Exhibition 2016-17 :

One such initiative is the organization of Science Exhibition at Regional and National levels every year. The activity aims at providing a common platform to schools, teachers and students to give shape to their innovative ideas and learn from each other’s experiences.

The exhibitions also provide a medium for popularizing Science and increasing awareness among stakeholders about the close relationship between Science, Technology and Society. The Science exhibition for the academic 2017-18 is likely to be organized in different parts of the country at REGIONAL LEVEL in the month of November/ December in 2017.

The National Level will be conducted after the completion of the Regional Level and dates for the same will be notified later.

Theme & Sub-Themes

Innovations for sustainable development

1. Health and well–being
2. Resource management and food security
3. Waste management and water body conservation
4. Transport and Communication
5. Digital and Technological solutions
6. Mathematical modeling

The students may prepare an exhibit/model on any sub–theme other than the above listed six sub–themes but it should be in the context of the main theme of the exhibition as mentioned above. Some ideas that are new and may be applicable in future may also be presented in the form of presentations and discussions.

Any exhibit/model/idea developed by differently abled students should be displayed only by the differently abled student/s. The entries should be accompanied with a disability certificate issued from a competent authority. Disability norms followed by the Government of India will be considered under this category.

Guidelines For Participation

1. All schools willing to participate need to apply on-line before the closing date.
2. The last date for filling the on-line registration form is 30th September, 2017.
3. The registration fee of Rs. 650/- must be submitted through NEFT to the account of the Board as given below. The Unique Transaction Reference Number after submitting fee through NEFT, must be mentioned in the online registration form.
4. It should be ensured that the names of the students once registered online should not be changed at any stage of the exhibition.
5. The complete application including typed brief write-up (not more than 1000 words) for each exhibit and printed copy of the online registration form duly signed and forwarded by the Principal is to be sent to the following address super scribed ‘SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2017–18’ by 05TH OCTOBER, 2017.
6. A participating school can put up a maximum of two exhibits/projects/models.
7. A school team will be represented by a maximum of two students per exhibit and one escort Science Teacher.
8. Students studying in classes VI to XI in the current academic year i.e. 2017–18 are eligible to participate.
9. School team participating at Regional Level and National Level must remain the same.
10. The sub – theme once selected cannot be changed.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

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