: Slogan Making Contest For CM Helpline 2017 Madhya Pradesh

Organisation : Madhya Pradesh MyGov
Contest Name : Slogan Making Contest For CM Helpline 2017
Applicable For : All Indian Nationals
Contest Last Date : 30th October, 2017
Website :
Contest T&C :

Slogan Making Contest :

Madhya Pradesh is the first State in India to start CM Helpline service and is an innovative platform to bridge the gap between the government and citizens for better governance.

Related : MyGov New India Sankalp Se Siddhi Logo Design Contest 2017 :

Anyone in the State can register complaints, grievances and suggestions related to all departments and government bodies on a toll-free number 181. The helpline does not only facilitate redressal of public grievances and ensures that the grievances are resolved in a time-bound manner.

In order to engage with youth and to get a mindshare for CM Helpline brand within the current generation, CM Helpline is seeking a “Slogan Contest.” The new slogan should reflect the aspirations and convey the ideas of CM Helpline.

CM Helpline invites all Indian Nationals to send their entries for the “Slogan Contest” for the CM Helpline. More details about CM Helpline can be found at

Prize: Rs 5000/- for the best Slogan (Single Prize)

How To Enter :
To submit the entries please provide the following information in your profile page. (Entries with wrong information would be rejected)

1. Name
2. Father / Mother Name
3. Address
4. Age
5. Contact no.

Terms and Conditions:
1. The Contest is open to all Indians from India or abroad.
2. Every contestant can send only single entry.
3. All registered members of can participate in this contest.
4. Entry must be submitted to the Creative Corner Section of

The participants should provide the following information as part of their entry:
a) Uploading the image file, MS Word or pdf file.
b) Make sure your MyGov profile is accurate and updated as we will use the information on the profile for further communication. This includes your name, photo and phone number. Entries by those with incomplete profiles would be rejected.
c) The slogan should be catchy and ideally should not be more than 12-15 words.
d) The slogan can be either in Hindi or English.
5. The last date for submission of entry would be 30th October, 2017. No entries will be accepted after the time limit.
6. Efforts may be made to capture the spirit of CM Helpline.
7. All entries would be judged by a Committee constituted by the CM Helpline. The decision of the Committee would be final.
8. The Selected entry and its copyright will be the property of the CM helpline any changes deemed fit to improve the same will be undertaken.

9. By registering for participation in the Contest, the Participant(s) warrant that:
a) They have complied with the Entry conditions;
b) Their entries are original;
c) Their entry does not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

Last Date for submission : 30th October, 2017

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 12:32 PM

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