2GO Life Burn It To Earn It Contest 2017 : 2golife.in

Organisation : 2GO
Contest Name : Burn It To Earn It Contest 2017
Applicable For : Citizens & Residents of India
Contest Last Date : 1st October 2017
Website : http://www.2golife.in/2golife/faces/fe/jsps/burntoEarn.jsp

Burn It To Earn It Contest :

2GO Activewear Burn it to Earn it Facebook Contest – 2017

Related : Olacabs Road To Ultra With Ola Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/26662.html

How to Enter:
Participants must do the following for their entry to be considered valid:
** Record a video of themselves performing the task i.e. 20 squats in 30 seconds.
** Upload the video to their personal Facebook account.
** Tag 2GO Activewear
** Use the hashtag #TameTheRoad.

** The Competition is open to Indian residents aged 18 or over on the Competition start date.
** Eligibility requirements include a valid residential address, contact number, e-mail id and Facebook account
** Participation in this contest is purely voluntary.
** Participants are not required to register or attend the Vodafone Coimbatore Marathon (October 1st 2017)
** No purchase is necessary for participating in the Competition and it is open to all including the persons who have not purchased 2GO Activewear apparel in the past.
** Employees of 2GOactivewear and their families are excluded from entering the Competition.

General Terms and Conditions:
** This contest will be governed by these standard terms and conditions. Each participant agrees that he/she has read and understood these terms and by their participation in the contest, each participant agrees to be bound by the terms.
** Mere participation should not be perceived as any commitment on the part of 2GO Activewear to select a participant as the winner.
** Nothing herein amounts to a commitment by 2GO Activewear to conduct further, similar or other contests in future.
** This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
** Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the promotion will be directed to 2GO Activewear and not to Facebook.
** 2GO Activewear shall have the absolute and sole discretion to determine whether any participant should be disqualified by reason of failure to abide by these terms and conditions, bad faith, fraud or any other legitimate reason
** Multiple entries by 1 person/account will not be considered
** 2GO Activewear reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this contest, including extending, withdrawing or discontinuing the same without notice, without assigning any reason, at its sole discretion without any liability.
** The prizes are non-transferable and non-refundable. 2GO Activewear reserves the right to substitute either any part of Prize or whole Prize at its sole discretion without any liability.
** 2GO Activewear shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any claims, losses, damage, costs or expenses in connection with or arising from this Competition, the redemption or use of the Prizes.
** Copyrighted, obscene, provocative or otherwise questionable content will not be considered. 2GO Activewear retains sole discretion as to what constitutes inappropriate content.
** 2GO Activewear reserves the right to request proof of a participant’s eligibility in the event that there is a doubt over his/her eligibility for the contest.
** Subject to applicable laws, 2GO Activewear shall not be liable for any losses, taxes, liabilities or inconvenience suffered by any participant as a result of these terms and conditions, entering into this Competition or accepting any part of the Prize

Terms & Conditions :
1. Participants must be above 18 years of age and citizens and residents of India.

2. Participants must do the following for their entry to be considered valid:
** Record a video of themselves performing the task i.e. 20 squats in 30 seconds.
** Upload the video to their personal Facebook account.
** Tag 2GO Activewear.
** Use the hashtag #TameTheRoad.

3. Participants are not required to register or attend the Coimbatore Marathon.
4. There will be three prize winners for the contest (1 first prize winner and two second prize winners)
5. Participants will be judged on quality of the video, nature of the task, (ex: ability to perform the task with strength, accuracy and grace) and popularity (the number of likes their video gets on Facebook).
6. The contest will begin on 1st September 2017 and will end on 1st October 2017.
7. Winning entries will be announced on the 2GO Activewear Facebook page within 30 days of the contest’s end.
8. 2go reserves the right to change the contest period, the prizes or cancel it if need be.
9. Selection of the winners is at 2go’s discretion
10. 2GO will contact the winners regarding prizes directly through the Facebook account name of entry Submission.
11. By participating in this contest, you give 2go the right to use your name, image, video and the likes for any of 2go’s promotions and agree that 2go has complete ownership over these items. You acknowledge that you will not receive any compensation for the use of such items.

This post was last modified on July 7, 2021 2:47 PM

Tags: 2golife.in

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