Pearl Academy Doodle For Hygiene Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Pearl Academy
Contest Name : Doodle For Hygiene Contest 2017
Applicable For : Students From Rajasthan State Region
Contest Last Date : 15th September, 2017
Website :

Doodle For Hygiene Contest :

Food is in important element in human life. Food should be cooked, served and eaten in a hygienic manner for a healthy life. Contestant needs to doodle for an Apron for canteen staff.

Related : Peal Academy Mumbai By Design Contest 2017 :

The Apron will be gifted to Canteen Staff and servers of your school. The objective of the doodle on the apron should be to remind students as well as canteen staff about hygiene.

About the competition:
Draw a Doodle for Canteen Staff Apron on A3 size sheet.

Register and Upload Image in 2 steps:
** Pearl Academy Webpage
** Your personal Facebook page with #PearlAcademyJaipur #DoodleForHygiene #(YourSchool/College Name) and get maximum likes.

** The image should not be more than 2 MB
** Winner will be announced on 25th September, 2017
** The winner will receive a certificate and trophy from Pearl Academy on the date agreed by School and Pearl Academy

Judging and Selection of Winners:
Each Doodle will be evaluated and scored based on the following “Criteria”:
** Artistic merit – drawing skills and use of color (80% Weightage) + Facebook Likes (20% Weightage).
** Creativity and originality – considering the representation of the Contest theme “Doodle for hygiene” and as well as the unique and novel approach to the Doodle;
** Communication of the Contest theme in both the drawing – how well the Entrant explains the theme “Doodle for hygiene” represents in the supporting statement and drawing

Imortant Links:
** Contest Starts on 1st September, 2017
** Last date of submission on website and Facebook is 15th September, 2017
** Date of result announcement – 25th September, 2017

** The Artist’s will receive a certificate and Trophy from Pearl Academy.
** The artist name will be printed along with school name on the apron. The apron will be presented to the school canteen staff.

Terms & Conditions :
** One student can upload only one entry.
** The contest is only for students from Rajasthan State Region.
** Age of the contestant should be within the range 16 yrs – 21 yrs
** The contest should complete both steps of submitting online entry and facebook entry.
** Winners will be announced through emails and phone call.
** They must be original, unpublished works that does not contain, incorporate or otherwise use any content, material or element that is owned by a third party or entity.
** Doodle must not contain content, material or any element that is unlawful, or otherwise in violation of or contrary to all applicable national, state, or local laws and regulations.
** Please note that under relevant laws of India, use of the National Flag, and other national symbols such as the Ashoka Chakra and the pictorial representation of national personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister of India etc for certain purposes including as part of a corporate logo, are not permitted
** They must not contain any content, material or element that displays any third party advertising, slogan, logo, and trademark or otherwise indicates a sponsorship or endorsement by a third party, commercial entity or that is not within the spirit of the Contest, as determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion.
** The Doodle is not the subject of any actual or threatened litigation or claim.
** The Entrant does not include any disparaging remarks relating to the Sponsor or a third party.
** The Doodle is two-dimensional

For registration/ contest queries contact :
Mr. Anurag Kapoor: 9680030842
Ms. Kushboo Phutela: 9214077763
Mr. Chandan Mishra: 9950143713

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 4:50 PM

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