APRSAF-24 Water Rocket Competition 2017 : Indian Space Research Organisation

Organisation : Indian Space Research Organisation
Competition Name : APRSAF-24 Water Rocket Competition 2017
Applicable for : Bangalore Based School Students
Contest Last Date : 12-09-2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Water Rocket Competition :

Announcement of opportunity for Bangalore based school students to participate in APRSAF-24 Water Rocket Competition

Related : Motilal Oswal Think Equity Think QGLP Contest 2017 :

Indian Space Research Organisation is hosting the 24th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-24) at Bangalore during November 2017. On this occasion, a ‘Water Rocket Launch Competition’ for students from the participating countries will be held on November 12, 2017 at Bangalore.

Students from Bangalore based high schools are invited to participate in the two tier selection process by ISRO to select a group of students to represent the host city in the event.

Participating students must be between the ages of 12 and 16 on the day of the Water Rocket Event (Date of Birth between 13 November 2000 and 12 November 2005) and their nomination has to come from their respective schools.

The preliminary round in this two tier selection process will consist of a written quiz on Space and Astronomy (each answer may be one or a few words only). The subsequent (second) round will consist of ‘water rocket making and launch competition’ for the group of students qualifying in the preliminary round.

In the second round, the students, under the guidance of ISRO personnel, will make their own water rockets using two numbers of 2 litre soft drink PET bottles and some stationary items provided by ISRO, as well as launch those model rockets propelled by pressurised water.

Mainly based on the nearness of the landing spot of their water rocket to the target point, selection of the final group of students is done to represent the host city in the APRSAF-24 water rocket competition.

Bangalore based high schools can nominate one interested student to the selection process by providing the name, contact number (preferably cell phone number AND residence number), email address and student age. One teacher can accompany the student to the quiz competition.

Qualified students of this round will be able to participate (accompanied by a teacher) to the next round of water rocket making and launching competition to be held for Bangalore based schools to select a group of students to represent the host city.

The last date for the nomination of one student and the intimation of the student details by e-mail is 5:00 PM IN THE EVENING OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2017. The name and other details (specified above) of the student can be e-mailed to gurubr [AT] AND guruatlas [AT] by that date.

Schools nominating one student by September 12, 2017, will be intimated about the details of the quiz competition (planned to be held on Saturday, September 16, 2017) and the water rocket making and launch competition (planned on Sunday, September 17, 2017), including the location of both the venues in Bangalore. The intimation will be done on September 13, 2017.

This post was last modified on June 29, 2021 3:03 PM

Categories: Idea/Innovation

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