Aircel Super Challenge Contest 2017 Season 10

Organisation : Aircel
Competition Name : Aircel Super Challenge Contest Season 10
Contest Last Date : 02-10-2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Aircel Super Challenge :

Presenting the most exciting contest of the year “Aircel Super Challenge Season-10” where users can win lots of exciting prizes that will make you’re playing more interesting and rewarding.

Related : Aircel Quiz Factory Contest 2017 Season 10 :

Answer a few simple questions and you can win Maruti Ertiga, Home Theater, 6K Gift Gard & Guaranteed recharge upto Rs 1250.

The contest would be challenging, entertaining and rewarding every day. The aim is keep encouraging the subscribers to play more and more by giving instant prizes every day and every week. To keep their interest level up there is a bumper prize as well

Here’s how you begin:
Subscription – Rs. 3/day (first 3 question free) + Rs1/question Dial 55559 Toll Free
Start Date – 04-08-2017 (00:00:01 hours)
End Date – 02-10-2017 (23:59:59 hours)
MM number – 55559 (Toll-free)
Challenge Day: 60 days
Charging Model: Subscription based
Charging: Rs3 everyday (First 3 question free) with Auto renewal and Rs1 for Additional question

Business Model :
** To subscribe user can dial toll free short code 55559 or else user can activate via OBD call.
** Customer would be charged Rs 3 for the day and auto renewal would be done.
** Customers who would be charged successfully for a day would be allowed to play the contest for that respective day.
** Subscribed customer will be offered a 3 questions free in a day
** Post free question if customer want to cont. playing , he has pay Rs1/question

Eligibility :
The contest Pack is open for subscription for all active prepaid and post-paid Aircel Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria:
1. Subscriber must belong to any one of the Circles mentioned herein above;
2. Subscriber must be an active Aircel Subscriber;
3. Subscriber must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offense nor be of an unsound mind; and
4. Subscriber must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
5. The subscriber has to be an active Subscriber during the contest Period.

6. In case of MNP (Mobile Number Portability) i.e. subscriber is porting out his number from Aircel to other Telecom Operators during the contest period then the subscription of the subscriber shall get terminated on such date and time and shall not be eligible for any prize.

In the event the same Contest is held in the other circle the Subscriber shall have to re-subscribe to the Contest afresh and shall be bound by the TnC of that particular circle.

If the Subscriber does a National MNP within Organizer’s service areas, during the subsistence of the Contest Period, then in that case his last participation in the Contest of that particular area shall stand terminated and the Subscriber has to re-register and participate afresh for the Contest in the new circle.

7. Score and charging for any subscriber should be in synchronization any score without the amount charged would be disqualified and score would be deemed forfeited.

Despite the winner being announced on audit by the Auditor appointed by IMI Mobile, if these discrepancies are found Aircel holds the authority to cancel participation and winning of any subscriber.

8. Any disconnection of the contest, services, the number or any waiver of the service during the contest period, Aircel has the full rights to disqualify that subscriber and forfeit the score so earned. However, in the case of any discontinuation of the contest by the subscriber, the subscriber can re-register afresh for the contest.

Once a Subscriber has deactivated as per the Subscription and deactivation process explained below, any further subscription to the contest shall be construed as a fresh subscription for the purpose of this contest and the score for the same shall start at Zero.

The points or score made till before the deactivation shall not be carried forward even within the same contest period.

9. Despite the winner being announced on the audit by the Auditor if these discrepancies are found the Subscriber has made any extra points due to any technical failure, unfair or alternative technology in that event also Aircel shall have the right to disqualify the Subscriber.

10. If the same person having different MSISDN* has been selected more than once, in such event he/she shall be awarded only one Prize.

11. Eligibility of gratification would be that a subscriber shall be entitled to win only once during the entire contest If a Subscriber has been declared as a Winner in more than one category then he/she shall be entitled to only one highest Prize amongst different Prizes/rewards across bumper, monthly, weekly, Surprise Day.

12. Winners (including spouse of winners and immediate/first blood relatives of winners) of the previous Aircel contests organized by the Organizer who have won bumper/ first/ grand/ monthly prize shall not be eligible for the bumper/first/grand/ monthly prize in Last 6 contests.

13. An active Subscriber shall mean the Subscriber who uses the Subscriber Identity Module (“SIM”) on a regular basis for purposes other than to participate in Contests under the Contest or any other contests offered by the Organizer and Aircel, jointly.

1. The Subscriber can participate in the contest by dialing an IVR short code 55559 (toll-free). Upon dialing the IVR short code 55559 participants will be asked 3 questions. The 3 questions will be valid for one day only and next day participant will get a new set of 3 questions.

Each question shall have 2-4 options and the participating Subscriber shall get 10 points for each correct answer, there will be no negative marking. Each incorrect answer will be recorded as 0 points.

2. Post answering the 3 free questions of the day, participants can also play more questions which will be pay per question based. Participants will be charged Rs. 1 per question for playing PPQ (pay per question).
3. Subscription charges for the Service are Rs. 3 per day. The charged amount will not be refunded to Participants under any circumstances.
4. Incase the participant has balance less than Rs 3 for daily subscription then he/ she will be charged Rs 2 or Rs 1 based on the balance available and the free question limit of the day will be 2 or 1 respectively.
5. Note: All the participants who are active for Contest will get free trivia content on SMS for the duration of Contest.

6. There will be a total of 25,000 questions available to subscribed participant to play during the contest period. Question allotment will be done based on activation date of the participant.

As the contest is for a period of 60 days, a participant who subscribes on the 1st day of contest will be allotted [180 (3 per day) + 25000 PPQ (can be played any day during Contest period)].

If participant subscribes on 31st day of Contest start, then questions allotted will be [90 (3 per day) + 25000 PPQ (can be played any day during contest period)] & so on.

7. There will be Surprise days wherein highest scorer (based on winner declaration criteria) of the respective day will get a prize. The information regarding surprise day will be sent to participants, during the contest period, via SMS

8. There will be happy hours in the Contest wherein all correct answers given by participant will fetch double points. The information regarding happy hours will be sent to participants, during the contest period, via SMS.

9. A Participant can subscribe and unsubscribe to the Contest multiple times- i.e. if he/ she unsubscribes from the Contest Pack, he/ she can subscribe again, at any time, if he/ she wishes to do so during the validity of the Contest.

Upon each fresh subscription/ re-subscription, the Participant will be charged again. The points so scored till such fresh subscription/re-subscription shall become zero, and shall start from the beginning on such fresh/re-subscription. On re-subscription previous score shall not be considered.

10. The prizes under Contest are neither assignable nor transferable under any circumstances.

All the prizes shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as may be applicable to specific prizes under specific Contest gratification category of Contests and shall have to be duly complied with by the winners of each Contest.

Despite the winner being announced on audit by the Auditor if these discrepancies are found or the Participant has been winner in any other gratification category of Contest Aircel reserves the right to disqualify the winner.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 4:21 PM

Categories: Aircel

View Comments (2)

  • I am a Surprise Day Gift Card winner of Aircel Super Challenge Season 10. I have submitted all documents to you. But I have not received my prize yet. Please let me know the details.

    • Information available from the Official Website :
      After the selection and validation of the winners, the winners will be contacted, by calling them for 5 times at different hours of the day over a weeks time, on the number of the Aircel, and will be given further details as to how, when and where they can collect their respective prizes.

      In the event the winner does not answer the calls of the Organizer, an SMS will be sent to the winner intimating them regarding the same. The prizes must be claimed by the Winners within time period specified subject to submission of the requisite documents within the timelines so specified from the date of intimation to the Winner, failing which, the prize(s) will be deemed to be forfeited by the Organizer(s) under the respective categories under the contest.

      The Prize/s offered under contest may be given to the winners during a special event, the venue, date and time of which shall be announced by the Organizer, at its sole discretion, subsequent to completion of that particular contest. In the event no special event is being conducted by the Organizer, the winners shall collect the Prize from the specific location communicated by the Organizer through SMS./email.

      In the event, Winner does not collect within 7 days from the date of receiving the SMS/ email failing which the prize shall be forfeited. The prizes under contest shall, under no circumstance be distributed from the amount charged by Organiser or Aircel for playing the Delivery of prizes will be subject to the winners giving the correct address and his/her availability there.

      The winners agree that there shall be no liability on Organizer in the event such message does not reach such winner on any account for any reason whatsoever. In the event that any of the winners cannot be reached or are ineligible or are disqualified, for any reason whatsoever, the Organizer reserves the right to forfeit the prize at its sole discretion.

      The Organizer reserves the right to forfeit the prizes under the following circumstances:
      1. If documents, as mentioned in required documents clause, are not submitted within 7 days
      2. If TDS (if applicable) not submitted within 15 days
      3. If documents provided are found to be inaccurate/misleading
      4. If the winner is unwilling to claim/accept the prize within a period of 15 days from the date of announcement
      5. If the winner is not reachable over phone after trying 5 times over a week’s time and/or SMS sent is not responded to within specified time
      6. Participant has used unfair means to play the contest;
      7. Usage pattern confirming multiple players for the same mobile number
      8. Scoring and charging are not synchronized and/or not matching Aircel record © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map