Bharata Mata College Maijo Moto Colors of Life Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Bharata Mata College
Contest Name : Maijo Moto Colors of Life Contest 2017
Application Last Date : 15th September 2017
Prize : Tickets to Dubai and back to Cochin for two persons
Contest Rules :
Website :

Maijo Moto Colors of Life Contest :

The new generation Maruti Suzuki dealer Maijo Moto has organized a contest – “Maijo Moto Colors of Life” on the Facebook All contestants have to upload any art form with hashtag #maijomotocolorsoflife on their Facebook profile and make it Public.

Related : Kendriya Vidyalaya 13th All India KV Child Art Exhibition 2017 :

It’s preferable if they also like the Maijo Moto Facebook page so that they will get the updates about contest and the results as well.

You can upload any of these three categories of art forms :
1) Performing art like singing, dancing, playing an instrument or any other (2-4 mins video has to be uploaded)
2) Visual art like photography, painting / Sculpture etc. (1or 2 Images need to be uploaded)
3) For this Onam season, a special Art form- Pookkalam can be uploaded. (similarly, 1 or 2 images need to be uploaded)

All three categories of contestants will compete for the contest together. The judgement of the winners is left to the audience and each creative contestant should ask his / her friends and family to like his / her work.

There will be a Jury consisting of Dr. John T Abraham and Mrs. Roshini Romeo from our Academic Partner – Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara along with panel of Technical service provider of Maijo Moto who will validate that no manipulation of likes is done and disqualification of posts promoted by unfair means will be done.

The decision of the Jury is final. The highest recipient of likes achieved by fair play would denote the highest vote of the audience and would get the first prize.

** The first Prize is “Tickets to Dubai and back to Cochin for two persons”
** The second Prize is “An iPad”
** The third Prize is “Gift/s worth 5000+”
And Many More!!!!!

Contest will start 15th Aug 2017 and ends on 24th Sept 2017. The results will be declared on 27th Sep 2017 and Prize distribution Ceremony will be on 29th Sep 2017

Objectives :
The college endeavours to prepare its students for fulfilling careers by enabling them to realize their full potential and by inculcating in them the spirit of intellectual enquiry, independent thinking, selfreliance, leadership, co-operation, expression of cultural talents and social service

Rules for Admission :
** The application form for admission in community merit, management quota and sports and cultural quota can be obtained from the Principal’s office on payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 50 (Rs. 72 by post).
** The application number must be quoted in all subsequent correspondence.
** The application form for degree courses duly filled in should reach the Principal on or before the last date prescribed by the MG University.
** The application forms that are incomplete or contain false information will be rejected.
** The applicants, who are eligible for admission, should appear for an interview, accompanied by their parent/s or guardian.
** The applicants must bring with them a copy of their latest passport-sized, colour photograph at the time of interview.
** A photo identity card will be issued to the students at a nominal fee at the time of admission.
** The applicants migrating from other universities/boards, if selected, should produce an eligibility certificate from the MG University at the time of admission.
** The applicants are advised to keep copies of their certificates before they produce the original certificates to the college.
** The students belonging to SC/ST or other minority communities are eligible for full fee concession and stipend.

** They must produce a nativity certificate and community certificate (if community is not specified in Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) or equivalent certificate) at the time of admission.

** The students are eligible for full fee concession, provided the annual income of their parents or guardians does not exceed Rs. 25,000 for DC.
** They must produce an income certificate in the prescribed form.

** SC, ST, Other Eligible Communities (OEC) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) students, once admitted on the strength of community and income certificates should remit their fee dues, if they discontinue their studies

This post was last modified on June 23, 2022 11:36 AM

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